As one Chinese newspaper put it, he scratched the place where it itches. 一家中国报纸这样说:他挠到了痒处。
I've got a rash all over my body and it itches terribly. 我浑身出满了疹子,而且痒得要命。
Patient: My nose itches badly, doctor. What does that mean? 病人:医生,我的鼻子很痒,那意味着什么?
All the symptoms of itches, photophobia, lacrimation, foreign body sensation, mucous secretion and conjunctival congestion were relieved after three-week treatment. 患者3周后,痒感、畏光、流泪、异物感、粘液丝状分泌物及结膜充血等症状明显减轻。
So, as her stepfamiiy scratched their Newiy found itches. 所以,当她的继母她们发现身上奇痒难耐时。
My back itches, and I am very uncomfortable. 我的背痒得非常难受。
Conclusion This kind of food treatment was effective to treat burned children with itches. 结论:食物疗法治疗小儿烧伤瘙痒有效。
In today's quieter interludes, the fund itches to offer help, on things such as pensions and insurance, that the bank is perhaps better placed to provide. 如今,世界正处于相对缓和的时期,基金组织极力为诸如养老金和保险之类的项目提供帮助,而这些也许是世界银行所极力避免的。
Hsin-mei said," don't worry, fatigue will conquer all the little pains and itches. let's get a good night's sleep first. " 辛楣道:“不要害怕,疲倦会战胜一切小痛痒,睡一晚再说。”
Functions: Pacifies the calms red, itches symptom caused by stimulating of skin, strengthening the immune system functions. 主要功能:安抚镇静肌肤由于受到刺激而引起的红、痒症状,强化免疫系统功能。
A good Open Source community requires a core of regular contributors, but also requires a mass of occasional ones that are just scratching their particular itches. 一个良好的开源社区需要稳定的贡献者作为核心,也同要需要大量偶尔来挠痒痒的人。
This wool shirt itches my Back. 这件羊毛衫使我背上发痒。
Annabelle rash is still ugly, it itches and it hurts. 安娜贝勒皮疹仍是丑陋的,它痒,它伤害。
I have a training bra but I don't like to wear it, it itches. 我有件少女胸罩,但是我不喜欢穿,很痒。
By the research in the three aspects above, the best manufacturing technology, quality standard of the product and the experimenting method of research in the medicine for skin diseases with itches are determined, so that the experimental basis for modern research in this prescription is provided. 通过以上三个方面的研究确定了最佳的生产工艺、控制产品的质量标准以及该药对瘙痒性皮肤病的实验研究,为该方剂的现代化研究提供了实验基础。
Treatment Study of Hemoperfusion Combined with Hemodialysis in Stubborn Skin Itches due to Uremia, A Report of 34 Patients 血液灌流器与透析器串联治疗尿毒症顽固性皮肤瘙痒34例临床观察
The main symptoms after bitten were usually local pains, itches, redness or swellings. 咬伤后的主要临床表现为局部痒痛、红肿。
Itches for Stock Index Futures 股指期货之痒
Analyse of the treatment for 80 cases of burn itches with traditional Chinese medicine 自拟中药方治疗烧伤瘙痒80例分析