体外受精(全写为in vitro fertilization,使卵子在母体外受精后再放回子宫内发育) the abbreviation for ‘in vitro fertilization’ (a process which fertilizes an egg from a woman outside her body. The egg is then put inside her uterus to develop.)
I pursued increasingly complex procedures including egg retrievals and ICSI IVF with both fresh and frozen embryo transfers. 我经历了越来越复杂的程序,例如取卵,ICSIIVF,包括新鲜胚胎与冷冻胚胎植入。
Conventional IVF aims for more eggs. 传统试管婴儿方案的卵子采集目标要更高。
Before the birth of their twins, the couple underwent three unsuccessful in vitro fertilization ( IVF) procedures, and their attempt to adopt was denied due to their age. 由于他们的年龄他们想收养的想法被拒绝了。在双胞胎出生之前,这对夫妇进行了三次体外受精(IVF),但都失败了。
For reasons that remain unclear, there are also higher incidences of post-birth difficulties with single IVF babies. 由于一些其它未知的原因,单植入IVF婴儿还具有更高的出生后问题率。
Effects of Cystectomy for Ovarian Endometrioma on Ovarian Response and Outcome of in Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer Cycle 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿剥除术对IVF周期中卵巢反应性和妊娠结局的影响
Clinical Analysis of Biochemical Pregnancy Cycle and Follow-up Treatment Cycle in IVF-ET IVF治疗中生化妊娠周期及其后续助孕周期的临床分析
However, a pregnancy can be achieved by the use of intrauterine insemination ( IUI) or in vitro fertilisation ( IVF). 但是,该情况可通过宫内受精和体外受精解决。
His development of the technique at the heart of that claim in vitro fertilization ( IVF) has won him this year's Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. 但是罗伯特-爱德华兹做到了。他的核心研究技术&体外受精(IVF)得到了今年的诺贝尔生理和医学奖。
Factors Relating with Fertilization Failure and Subsequent Treatment Outcomes in Conventional IVF-ET Cycles 常规IVF中受精失败相关因素及后续处理结果分析
In some areas, the cost of tubal reversal exceeds IVF which then directly affects the procedure's availability. 在某些地方,输卵管复通术的花费要超出IVF,这直接影响到手术的有效性。
Many patients see twins as the ideal outcome of IVF. 许多患者把生双胞胎看作是IVF的理想结局。
The most obvious way to limit twinning in IVF is to transfer just one embryo. 最有效的方式来避免IVF中双胎妊娠的发生是只移植一个胚胎。
A conference of fertility experts this month will call on the IVF industry to rethink its approach. 本月一个生育专家研讨会将要号召试管受精行业再次思考它的出路。
That's not just because so many IVF babies are twins or other multiple births; 这不仅是因为很多试管婴儿都是双胞胎或多胞胎;
As with any medical process it is extremely important to choose an IVF clinic with care. 与其他医疗过程一样,对IVF诊所的选择也是至关重要的。
In many cases, IVF offers the last hope to conceive a child. 在许多情况下,IVF提供了最后的受孕希望。
A woman receiving IVF therapy can boost their chances of conceiving if two are transferred to her womb. 妇女接受试管婴儿治疗时如果移植两个胚胎到她的子宫可以提高受孕的机会。
The effect of interval time of water changed in the incubator on pregnancy outcomes in IVF-ET 胚胎培养箱换水间隔时间对IVF妊娠结局的影响
The poor mental health status has correlation with the outcome of IVF treatment. 不良的心理健康状况与IVF治疗结局存在一定的相关性。
One source of worry is that so many IVF babies have low birth weight. 但有一个存在的问题是,有很多试管婴儿都有低出生体重的问题。
This study is not the first to investigate the use of the pill in IVF, but it is the largest one performed so far. 这项研究不是首次研究避孕药在IVF中的应用,但是迄今最广泛的一次研究。
When she finds a partner, say, or is in a position to take a career break, she can have her eggs thawed and use routine IVF procedures to get pregnant. 当她找到了伴侣或事业上有了突破时就可以将卵子解冻,然后使用常规的体外受精(IVF)技术怀孕。
Known as Natural Cycle or soft IVF, it centres on single-embryo IVF treatment involving minimal drug stimulation. 以自然周期或软IVF为例,它以单胚胎IVF为中心,而且只需最小的药物刺激。
A friend has just gone through her third unsuccessful IVF treatment and has also had artificial insemination. 我的一位朋友试管受精失败,也要准备人工授精。
This form of genetic testing is performed on eggs or embryos during an in vitro fertilization ( IVF) cycle. 这种形式的诊断是通过对体外授精(IVF)周期中的卵子或胚胎进行基因检测而得出。
Mrs Connell said she underwent IVF treatment in2004 but delivered stillborn twins, and later she suffered a miscarriage. 康奈尔说她2004年做了试管受精,双胞胎生下来就没有心跳,后来还有过一次流产。
To do this and in vitro fertilization IVF drugs are the same. 这个和做IVF试管婴儿的药是一样的。
Living in Britain, she had tried hard to conceive and had undergone several IVF cycles. 生活在英国,她曾极力想象和经历了几次试管婴儿周期。
First, the Pregnancy Guarantee? contract bundles four IVF cycles at a discounted cost per cycle. 首先,怀孕保证合同包含四个IVF周期,每个周期都打了折扣。