As you search for colleges, ask about student outcomes; you will find many colleges that outperform the Ivies and name brands, even though you may have never heard of them! 当你在选院校时,问问学生的成果,你将发现很多院校要胜过常春藤联合会名牌大学和知名院校,虽然有些大学你从来都没听过。
And he finagled a way, off campus, to interview with several of the top-drawer consulting firms that trawled for recruits at the Ivies but often bypassed schools like Indiana. 而且在校外,他用一种连蒙带骗的方式去参加一些顶尖的咨询公司的面试,这些公司在常春藤学校寻找新雇员,但是总是忽视像印第安纳大学这样的学校。
At most other Ivies, I had lots of success getting hold of staff at my favoured department ( English), and little when it came to approaching the Special Student Office, for visiting graduates; at Brown, the opposite was true. 在几乎所有的常春藤盟校,我都成功接近了我本专业(英语)的工作人员;但却没法接近接待交换生的特殊学生办公室;但在布朗大学情况正好相反。
The college search doesn't have to begin and end with the Ivies and the name brand schools. 大学的搜索不必开始和结束于常青藤和名校。
He'd scored a perfect 2400 on the SAT and graduated in the top 1 percent of his class, yet had been rejected at several Ivies. 他在SAT考试中取得2400分满分,毕业时成绩排在全班前1%,但仍被多所常春藤盟校拒绝。
Just as I found at Harvard ( and the other Ivies later in this series), it was very difficult to look objectively at the place and the people without being influenced by their general reputation. 就像我在哈佛(还有本系列之后的其他常春藤盟校)发现的,很难做到在不被常规印象影响的前提下客观评价一个地方和一群人。
Several Ivies, including Harvard, rejected a record number of applicants this year. 几所常青藤,包括哈佛在内,今年拒绝的申请者人数创下了历史记录。
This is was green at a time when other ivies had pooped out. 这株常春藤在其他常春藤已凋谢时依然青翠。
The result shows that the present situation of college students taking part in extracurricular act ivies is less optimistic. 结果表明:大学生参加课外体育活动的现状不容乐观,无论是周锻炼次数以及活动时间均达不到要求。
If she is a youngster, roses and ivies will suit her best. 如果她是一个年轻,玫瑰和常春藤适合她最好的。
Michigan and Virginia have become "public Ivies," and numerous state-run universities now offer a top-flight education. 密执根大学和弗吉利亚大学已经变成了“公立长春藤”,而无数的私立大学如今提供着最高档的教育。
In addition, he said, international students applied to the Ivies and top liberal arts colleges because they were more likely to receive financial assistance. 此外,弗斯滕伯格表示,国际学生之所以申请常青藤联盟院校和顶级文理学院,是因为他们更有可能得到经济资助。