
英 [dʒæbz] 美 [dʒæbz]

v.  戳; 刺; 捅; 猛击
n.  戳; 刺; 捅; 用拳猛击; 注射; 接种; 预防针


  1. VERB 戳;刺;捅
    If you jab one thing into another, you push it there with a quick, sudden movement and with a lot of force.
    1. He saw her jab her thumb on a red button — a panic button...
    2. A needle was jabbed into the baby's arm...
    3. Stern jabbed at me with his glasses...
    4. Nick jabbed his finger at the clothes on the bed.
  2. N-COUNT 戳;捅;猛击
    A jab is a sudden, sharp punch.
    1. He was simply too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs.
  3. N-COUNT 注射;接种;预防针
    A jab is an injection of something into your blood to prevent illness.
    1. ...painful anti malaria jabs.
  4. N-COUNT 抨击;攻击
    You can refer to a sudden and unpleasant critical remark as a jab .
    1. They have been sniping at each other, with the Democrats taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.


  1. He was simply too powerful for his opponent, rocking him with a steady supply of left jabs.
  2. They have been sniping at each other, with the Democrats taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.
  3. My guess is it will include at least a few subtle jabs at the rival bidders 'understanding of the company ( Icahn math, Part II).
  4. The government had started to provide flu jabs for220, 000 elderly people, chronic patients and medical workers.
  5. The two men traded verbal jabs on federal taxes, job creation, and retiree health-care funding.
  6. Miguel takes over. Gently pushing Mani aside he kneels on his foam hassock and jabs the soil with a dagger-like pick to loosen the stones, alternating with brushing movements of the hand.
  7. His cheek earned him a few extra jabs with the Sensor, and he was still wincing as they stepped out into the wind and sleet.
  8. Implants and jabs are now offered in schools in Bristol, Berkshire, Peterborough, West Midlands, Northumbria and Country Durham according to a survey by The Daily Telegraph, using Freedom of Information laws.
  9. School nurses have given implants or jabs to girls aged 13 to 16 more than 900 times since 2010.
  10. We had our jabs when we went to the lsle of wight.
  11. Too smart, too fast. Would've used his jabs. Imagine users as very intelligent but very busy.
  12. Since they were talking as though expounding the truths of Zen with subtle jabs hidden underneath, which was enough to send one's head reeling just listening to it, Hung-chien slipped upstairs to see his father.
  13. That should speed the search for jabs for the Chinese market an effort that has taken on fresh urgency following the outbreak of swine flu in 69 countries this year.
  14. These are all just cheap jabs, I admit.
  15. As in the first debate last month, Mr McCain made more jabs but failed to land a decisive blow.
  16. Officials in the two countries have been trading jabs lately over each other's unpopular policies.
  17. Assuming GSK and Shenzhen can negotiate other obstacles, such as the need to placate Chinese regulators and maintain quality control, a successful partnership should boost sales of flu jabs while opening the door to further co-operation on more profitable vaccines.
  18. The Journal of Asia Business Studies ( JABS), a refereed journal published by the University of San Francisco, is designed to fill this gap.
  19. She jabs him with her stinger, and he goes as limp as a boned fish.
  20. Your correspondent has no doubt that such a one-shot flu vaccine will one day be given to infants along with jabs against chickenpox.
  21. Dodging the blow, he aimed a few more jabs.
  22. One of his favourite jabs at Republicans is that they seek tax breaks for corporations "to ship jobs overseas".
  23. But when they were alone, there would be tight-lipped verbal jabs about his absence, his tiredness, his preoccupation with business, his neglect – there was no other word for it, neglect-of her.
  24. Kickboxing classes: Throwing punches and jabs is a great way to get your heart pumping and melt up to680 calories an hour.
  25. The beginner must practice constantly, aiming chops and jabs at an imaginary partner.
  26. To make thrusts or jabs, as with a stick or poker. Jane: A red-hot poker, madam.
  27. Too smart, too fast. would've used his jabs.
  28. The second move is the Stepback, where the player jabs his inside foot into the defender and follows it up with a hop back to create space.
  29. Again, do not start panicking as it sounds worse than it actually is but the "jabs" are less likely to be forgotten to be taken and can be controlled much easier I feel.
  30. Despite claims that it encourages under-age sex, medical journal The Lancet has called for compulsory Cancer jabs should be compulsory for schoolgirls.