Maven: This is the software project build system used in the Apache Jackrabbit implementation. Maven:这是ApacheJackrabbit实现使用的软件项目构建系统。
I use Apache Jackrabbit, an open source implementation of JSR-170, to develop this application. 我使用ApacheJackrabbit(JSR-170的开源实现)开发这个应用程序。
Though Jackrabbit can still be compiled from source using SVN, the Jackrabbit library is stable to the point where nightly builds are no longer necessary. 虽然Jackrabbitcan仍然可以用SVN从源代码进行编译,但是Jackrabbit库已经非常稳定,不再需要每夜构建(nightlybuilds)技术。
Jackrabbit-core: Jackrabbit content repository core implementation for JSR-170 and common utility code from Apache. jackrabbit-core:针对JSR-170的Jackrabbit内容仓库核心实现和来自Apache的公共实用代码。
By default, nodes in Jackrabbit are set to nt: unstructured. 默认情况下,Jackrabbit的节点被设置为nt:unstructured。
So do those of the American jackrabbit. 而这些美洲杰克兔也是一样。
Let's see step by step how to use Java Content Repository on top of Jackrabbit and how Spring Modules can help. 让我们一步一步地来看看在Jackrabbit之上如何使用Java内容仓库,以及如何让Spring模块来帮助完成这一工作。
The common jackrabbit of grasslands and open areas of western United States; has large black-tipped ears and black streak on the tail. 产于美国西部草地和开阔地区普通的长耳大野兔;大耳朵尖为黑色,尾巴上有黑色条纹。
Is a relatively new project compared to Jackrabbit and eXo JCR. 与Jackrabbit和eXoJCR相比,它是相对较新的项目。
Won the race with a jackrabbit start. 用快速的起动来赢得比赛。
Hibernate is chosen to be the framework of data persistence layer. Apache jackrabbit is adopted, which is the full realization of content repository standard JSR-170. 在实际开发中,采用了hibernate作为数据持久层框架,内容仓库使用了Apache软件基金会的jackrabbit,它是内容仓库标准JSR-170的完全实现。