Jacobsen based his conclusion on an analysis of the decay of samarium-147 into neodymium-143. 雅各布森得出的结论是基于对钐-147衰变成钕-143所作的分析。
I researched and fact-checked everything that he told me in our interviews which took place over two years, Jacobsen said. 我调查并核对了两年前采访中那个工程师对我说的每件事,雅各布森说。
In the bizarre tale recounted by Jacobsen, Mengele surgically altered a group of children to look like space aliens. 在雅各布森述说的怪异故事中,门格勒利用外科手术将一些儿童的外貌改造成类似外星人的样子。
In her book, Jacobsen suggests it wasn't an alien spaceship that came down in 1947, sparking decades of speculation of visitors from the stars. 在她的书中,雅各布森暗示,1947年坠毁的并不是引发了数十年天外来客争论的外星飞船。
Like his peers, geophysicist Steven Jacobsen from Northwestern University believed that water on Earth originated from comets. 美国西北大学地球物理学家史蒂文雅各布森曾认为,地球上的水源于彗星。
While conspiracy theorists and UFO devotees have long claimed and hoped that captured alien spacecraft are housed at the base, Jacobsen claims the secret craft were actually reverse-engineered from a captured Soviet MiG fighter jet. 尽管阴谋论者和飞碟爱好者一直以来都宣称并且希冀截获的飞碟和俘获的外星人就被关押在该区域,雅各布森称,秘密飞行器实际上是对截获的前苏联的米格喷气式战斗机的反向工程研究。
Jacobsen and her husband made an attempt to shrink the pile under the tree. 所以,去年圣诞节的时候,肯德拉和她的丈夫尽量地缩小了圣诞树下的礼物堆。
"It was a good effort," Jacobsen said." But all he did was get his head and part of his shoulder through the bars. " “这种做法的确有效”,雅各布森说,“但第二个人费了半天劲也只是让头和肩膀的一部分通过了铁栅栏。”
The Reagan Administration had little to say today about the release of Jacobsen or the likelihood that other hostages may be freed. 里根政府对于杰克布森的获释没有表态或许其他人质也会获释。
I have new heroes as I grow older. I have golf heroes such as Peter jacobsen, Fred couples and tiger woods. 随着年龄增长,我心目中又有了新的英雄,如高尔夫球英雄彼得雅各布森,弗雷德库普勒斯和泰戈尔伍兹。
Jeffrey Jacobsen, senior advisor on the project, said a lot of design work had gone into the optics and ergonomics of the eyepiece. 另外,据开发团队的高级顾问JeffreyJacobsen表示,他们设计这套系统时在如何优化目镜的人体工程学设计以及光学性能方面也花费了很多心血。
For Jacobsen catalytic system, the chiral Mn ( salen) complexes were anchored on the surface of inorganic supports by a new strategy with the attention to synthesize the heterogeneous chiral catalyst for the asymmetric epoxidation of nonfunctional olefins. 对于Jacobsen环氧化反应体系,本论文采用了一种新的方法将其固载到无机载体的表面上。
There are two general systems for the enantioselective epoxidation of olefins: Sharpless catalytic system and Jacobsen system, effective for the epoxidation of allylic alcohols and nonfunctional alkenes, respectively. 对于烯烃的不对称环氧化反应,存在着两个常见的催化体系:Sharpless体系和Jacobsen体系。前者适用于烯丙醇类烯烃的不对称环氧化反应;