JLR sold more than 90,000 cars in China last year, but only 16,000 of these were Jaguars. 去年,捷豹路虎在中国卖出了9万多辆车,但其中仅有1.6万辆是捷豹车型。
Third largest in the feline family after tigers and lions, jaguars, such as this one in the undergrowth of the Brazilian rain forest, are found only in the New World. 热带雨林野生动物图片。美洲虎排在第三位最大的猫科家庭成员在老虎和狮子之后,例如这一只在巴西的雨林的林下灌木丛,它被找到仅仅在新大陆。
That protection was extended to jaguars in the United States in1997, the year after their presence here was confirmed. 这项法案在1997年已经在美国扩展到了美洲虎,在美洲虎出现的第二年确立。
They reach their monumental size on a diet of wild pigs, deer, birds, turtles, capybara, caimans, and even jaguars. 长到如此大的尺寸,是由于它们可以捕食野猪,鹿,鸟,龟,水豚,凯门鳄甚至美洲虎。
Some jaguars are so dark they appear to be spotless, though their markings can be seen on closer inspection. 部分美洲虎体色太黑以至于看起来没有斑点,尽管他们的斑点可以在近距离下被观察到。
Anacondas eat virtually anything unfortunate enough to get caught in their grip, including other snakes, fish, deer, and even small jaguars. 事实上水蟒会吃掉任何足够倒霉的被它逮到的猎物。
Four teams competed for places in the National Football League Conference finals, and the Jacksonville Jaguars and Green Bay Packers were the ones celebrating on April 1. 4月1日,4支球队争夺全美橄榄球联赛决赛权,杰克逊维尔美洲豹队和绿湾包装工队获得胜利。
If this were not enough, the House bill creates regulatory loopholes big enough for bankers to drive their Jaguars through. 如果这还不够,众议院法案创造的监管漏洞之大,足以让银行家们开着捷豹跑车穿过。
Otherwise, the builder of swift Jaguars and go-anywhere four-by-fours could be forced to slash investments and orders from suppliers, driving British car manufacturing to a lingering death. 否则,这个生产迅驰捷豹和无所不能及的四驱车厂家将被迫减少投资,削减向供应商提出的订单。这一来,英国汽车制造业也将残喘一息。
The Jaguars, coming off a7-9 season in which they blacked out nine of10 home games, needed to get off to a good start to keep fans in the seats and eliminate more talk about relocation. 美洲虎,度过了一个赛季,他们7-9出10个主场比赛九涂黑,需要下车来保持一个良好的开端,在座位的球迷和消除有关搬迁的交谈。
Jaguars are largely nocturnal creatures. 美洲虎基本上是夜行动物。
Jaguars ( Panthera onca) once ranged from southern South America to the southern United States. 美洲虎曾经分布在北美洲南部和美洲南部。
The tapir's main enemies are members of the cat family, such as tigers and jaguars. 貘的主要敌人是诸如老虎和美洲豹之类的猫科动物。
Eventually, it may bring Jaguars and Land Rovers to India and sell its own cars overseas, which the company hopes will translate into profits over the longer term. 塔塔汽车最后可能会将捷豹和陆虎两个品牌引入印度,而对外出口自有品牌汽车。该公司期望,其自有品牌长期而言能创造利润。