He did not himself kill the prisoner; the jailer was his instrument in the murder. 他没有亲手杀死犯人,监狱看守在这起凶杀案中充当了他的工具。
The jailer caned the man. 狱卒用藤条鞭打这个人。
During the days that Valentine was imprisoned, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer. Valentine在被囚禁的日子里,与监狱长那盲眼的女儿相爱了。
And there is Master Brackett, the old jailer, nodding and smiling at me. 那位老狱吏布莱基特先生,还在那儿朝我点头微笑呢。
The jailer brought him his breakfast. 狱卒给他送来了早餐。
The jailer came in the evening. Dant è s was on his bed. 傍晚时分,狱卒来了,唐太斯已上了床。
But the jailer refused to take him in, claiming the jail was already overflowing with Yankee abolitionists. 但监狱看守拒绝关押他,宣称这个监狱已人满为患,关满了北方的废奴主义者。
Day came, the jailer entered. 白天来了,狱卒走进来了。
At that hour of the night the jailer took them and washed their wounds; then immediately he and all his family were baptized. 当夜、就在那时候、禁卒把他们带去、洗他们的伤。他和属乎他的人、立时都受了洗。
Having received his orders, I dispatched a man to fetch the attorney, and four more, provided with serviceable weapons, to demand my young lady of her jailer. 我接受了他的吩咐后,就派一个人去请律师,又派了四个人,配备了可用的武器,去把我的小姐从她的狱卒那儿要回来。
The jailer, as he entered, stepped on it and broke it. 狱卒进门时脚踩到盆子上,把它踩破了。
The jailer, therefore, only grumbled. 那狱卒咕哝几句也就算了。
I went to the prison, the jailer would not admit me. 我又到了监狱,看门的人也不肯开门。
One who supervises prisoners. His father is a jailer. 狱吏,看守监管犯人的人他父亲是监狱看守。
When the jailer comes in, I'm gonna rope his keys. 狱卒进来的时候,我可以套到他的钥匙。
I am the first ploppy to rise to be jailer. 小人是泼皮家第一个升做狱卒的。
While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl who may have been his jailer's daughter. 在监牢时,据说范伦坦和一位狱卒的女儿年轻少女坠入爱河。
The Grange is not a prison, Ellen, and you are not my jailer. “我能爬墙,”她笑着说,“田庄不是监牢,艾伦,你也不是我的看守。
So she gives the jailer her silver mirror. 她把自己的银镜子给了狱卒。
He greeted Damon kindly, and then gave himself into the hands of the jailer. 他亲热地向达芒致意,然后投向狱吏。
During the day when he was imprisoned, he fell in love with the blind daughter of his jailer. 在被监禁期间他爱上了狱卒双目失明的女儿。
His father is a jailer. 他父亲是监狱看守。
He had written something and hidden it away to keep it from the jailer. 他写了些什么,瞒着狱卒把它藏了起来。
In short, we do not achieve profitability by becoming our brother's keeper or his judge or jailer. 一句话,如果我们去给别人当管家,去充当法官或狱卒之类的角色,我们就无法获得利润。
Helen: Well I'm not your jailer anymore 我不再是你的典狱长
I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. 我仍然对他微笑,感觉他不再是狱卒,而是一个普通人。
The jailer took into custody the man who was arrested for stealing a car. 监狱看守员将因偷车而被抓的那人关了起来。
The jailer shrugged his shoulders and left the chamber. 狱卒耸耸他的肩膀,便离开了房间走了。
I'm a doctor, you're the jailer. 我是医生,你是囚犯。
How did you bribe the jailer to bring me your message? 你是怎样贿赂狱卒给我送消息?