People migrate to cities like Jakarta in search of work 人们为找工作而迁移到雅加达这类城市里。
The Southeast Asian English Olympics begin Monday in Jakarta. 东南亚英语奥赛将于周一在雅加达开始进行。
Organizers of the Southeast Asian English Olympics are getting support from the American Embassy in Jakarta and VOA. 东南亚英语奥赛主办方得到了美国驻雅加达使馆和美国之音的支持。
The aim is to improve Jakarta's disorganized motorcycle taxi system. 其目的是改善雅加达混乱的摩托出租车体系。
The Jakarta area has most of the emerging Java language stuff. Jakarta专区汇聚了大多数新兴的Java语言材料。
This application makes use of the regular expression classes from the Apache Jakarta ORO2.0.7 framework. 该应用程序利用了ApacheJakartaORO2.0.7框架中的正规表达式类。
Servlets and JSPs are supported by the Apache Jakarta Project's Tomcat engine. servlet和JSP都受到ApacheJakarta项目的Tomcat引擎的支持。
The open source JCS, an Apache Jakarta project, is one such tool. 开放源码JCS(即一个ApacheJakarta项目)就是这样一种工具。
Use the Servers view to start and stop the external Tomcat servlet engine. 使用Servers视图启动和停止外部的JakartaTomcatservlet引擎。
You can choose a concrete one or leave the default Jakarta Oro. 您可以选择一个具体实现或保留缺省的JakartaOro。
The Struts technology is open source and was developed as part of the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta project. Struts技术是开放源代码的,并且是作为Apache软件基金会(ApacheSoftwareFoundation)的Jakarta项目的一部分来开发的。
Last Friday a twenty-one-year-old man from west Jakarta became the eighty-sixth victim. 上周五,一名来自于西雅加达的21岁男子成为了第86位感染者。
A fourth-generation immigrant, Herman lived in Jakarta up until university and could speak no Chinese at all. 赫尔曼是第四代的移民,从出生到上大学一直居住在雅加达,他不会讲任何汉语。
The report cited insider plots in New York, Jakarta and Britain as examples of the risk. 报告认为,纽约、雅加达和英国出现的内部策划阴谋就是存在风险的例证。
One reason I have established an ambassadorial post to ASEAN in Jakarta is to strengthen this institutionalized process. 我在雅加达设置一个驻东南亚国家联盟的大使级职位就是为了强化这个体制化进程。
Last Friday, a21-year-old man from west Djakarta ( jakarta) became the86th victim. 就在上周五,来自雅加达西部的一个21岁男子成为了第86个该病的受害者。
Br already has foreign offices in 29 cities, including Moscow, Cairo and Jakarta. 宝盛银行已在29个城市设有办事处,其中包括莫斯科、开罗和雅加达。
Several Chinese newspapers and radio stations have sprung up in Jakarta and other big cities. 一些中国报纸和广播站正在雅加达和其他几个大城市遍地开花。
But for most Jakarta residents the party started one day later than anticipated. 不过,对于大多数雅加达居民来说,开斋节的庆祝比预期的晚了一天。
You can find almost any brands you can think of in Jakarta. 在雅加达,你能够找到你能想到的任何品牌。
Bazaars light up the night in many cities from Rabat to Jakarta. 从拉巴特(Rabat)到雅加达(Jakarta)的许多城市,夜晚的市集灯火辉煌。
He has launched a series of bold economic reforms which we support, and I will be meeting him in Jakarta next week to discuss new initiatives to attract further investment and boost growth. 他发动了一系列我们所支持的大胆的经济改革。我下周将在雅加达与他会面,讨论一些新的举措,以进一步吸引投资,推动增长。
He sent word by an army messenger that they had arrived in jakarta. 他通过通信兵传送消息,说他们已经到了雅加达。
He worked as a banana vendor at a market in East Jakarta where poultry meat was sold. 他是东雅加达一个市场的一名香蕉摊贩,在该市场有禽肉出售。
She got called back to jakarta. 她接到电话回雅加达了。
Yet Jakarta has no Metro and is not likely to get one for years, if not decades. 然而,雅加达一条地铁也没有,也不太可能在几年(如果不是几十年的话)之内建成。
The opening of the office in Jakarta marks the start of the next phase of its expansion plans. 雅加达办公室开始营业,标志着亚航登上了扩张计划的新台阶。
The Jakarta and Seoul stopovers will also be largely ignored by the global community. 雅加达和首尔的中途停留很大程度上也将被国际社会忽略。