His wife remains behind in Germany, but Jason, his 18-year-old son, is closer at hand. 他的妻子还留在德国,但他18岁的儿子贾森就在身边。
Jason was away on a business trip 贾森出差在外。
We asked Jason to write an essay about his hometown and about his place in it. 我们让贾森写一篇有关他的家乡和他自己的家的短文。
She'd need proof to bring Jason to justice. 她需要有证据才能将贾森绳之以法。
Jason had helped him out with a series of loans, until he could get back on an even keel. 贾森接连借了几笔钱给他,在他重新走上正轨之前帮他渡过了难关。
Jason heard the reverberation of the slammed door. 贾森听到了门砰然关上的回响。
She handed the cigar back to Jason with a self-satisfied smile. 她得意地笑着把雪茄给贾森递了回去。
As far as I can tell, Jason is basically a nice guy 据我所知,贾森算得上是个好人。
Jason had taken off his jacket and loosened his tie. 贾森已经脱下夹克,松开了领带。
Two months before she gave birth to Jason she left work feeling on top of the world. 生贾森前的两个月,她辞工回家,感觉无比幸福。
Jason's new toy train is his pride and joy. 简森新买的玩具火车是他得意的东西。
She appears wearing a magenta silk sheath dress by Jason wu, who also designed her inaugural gown. 在封面照上,米歇尔身穿一袭由设计师吴季刚为其设计的绛红色紧身丝质裙装。她在奥巴马就职典礼上所穿的礼服就出自吴季刚之手。
Jason: OK, I got it. 杰森:好的,我知道了。
Jason: So, can you help me to do this work? 杰森:那么你能帮我做这个工作吗?
M: Hey, Anna, this is Jason. M:嘿,安娜,我是詹森。
Unfortunately Jason finds her and kills her too. 不幸的是杰森找到了她,将她也杀害了。
My amazing boyfriend, Jason, I love you and thank you for being a part of my life. 我的惊人的男朋友,杰森,我爱你,感谢你是我生活的一部分。
Jason and I are seeing each other. 我和jason开始交往了。
What? You slept with Jason?-You had already broken up. 什么?你和杰森上床?你们已经分手了。
Jason: Yes, you said it. 杰森:嗯,你说对了。
Lois and Jason are missing. 洛伊斯和詹森不见了。
Jason was annoying me, so I clocked him one. 杰森烦我,于是我打了他一下。
Jason and Louise are brother and sister. 杰森和露易丝是兄妹。
Jason's driving me crazy! 詹森快让我发疯了!
Jason: I will read this book when I am free. 詹森:等我有空的时候我要读读这本书。
So, Jason told me that you're already a priest? 杰森跟我说你已经是个牧师了?
Jason and I put Emily to bed. 杰森和我把艾米丽放到床上。
I'm afraid Jason is becoming near sighted. 我担心杰森恐怕有近视了。