'Whoa, I'm goin' to Barbay-dos! 'ran the jaunty lyrics of a 1970s hit song. “喔,我要去巴巴多斯!”一首20世纪70年代流行歌曲这样欢快地唱道。
The hand played a jaunty twostep. 乐队奏着欢快的双步舞曲。
She cocked her hat at a jaunty angle. 她把帽子歪戴成俏皮的样子。
Some people consider their journey like a jaunty tour. 有些人把他们的人生看作是一次无忧无虑的旅程,他们一路上都会快乐前行。
Ma writes about the darker side of Chinese adoption, her social commentary less jaunty and sentimental than Dickens, more like Dreiser in its harsh realism. 马描述了收养中国儿童的黑暗面,她的社会批评不像狄更斯的那么充满活力和感情,更像德莱塞(Dreiser)无情的现实主义。
The happy boy walked with jaunty steps. 这个快乐的孩子以轻快活泼的步子走着。
Looking chipper, like a man* Diverted by his own wit-frances g.patton; life that is gay, brisk, and debonair-h.m.reynolds; walked with a jaunty step; a jaunty optimist. 看起来很得意,就像一个为自己的聪明而高兴的人一样弗朗西斯g帕顿;快乐、活泼、得意的生活hm雷洛兹;用得意的脚步走着;得意的乐天派。
The happy children walked with jaunty steps. 快乐的孩子们跳跳蹦蹦地走着。
Carrie had thought of going for a walk, and had put on a light grey woollen dress with a jaunty double-breasted jacket. 她已穿上淡灰羊毛女装,外罩一件时髦的双排扣上装。
He had great neatness of person, and he continued to wear his spruce black coat and his bowler hat, always a little too small for him, in a dapper, jaunty manner. 他一向干净、利落,现在他还是穿着那件整整齐齐的黑外套,一顶略小一些的圆顶硬礼帽非常洒脱地顶在头上。
His style ranged wide, from Palm Court dances in "A Passage to India" to jaunty Sousa-style marches in "The Man Who Would Be King", but it could also be spare. 他风格多样,从《印度之行》的棕榈园舞曲到《霸王铁金刚》中苏萨风格、得意洋洋的进行曲,当然,这进行曲也可以是悠闲的。
His hat cocked at a jaunty angle. 他的帽子做作地歪戴着。
The TV adaptation has nothing of the jaunty freshness of the original play. 改编成的电视片失去了原剧本那种盎然生机。
When he came back his hat was at a jaunty angle and he was smiling. 他回来叫,喜洋洋地盆戴着帽子,脸上带着微笑。
He spoke suddenly in a jaunty tone. 他突然以轻松的口气说话。
He wears his officer's cap at an angle, jaunty, and picks his teeth with a sharpened goose quill. 他潇洒地微微歪戴着他那顶军帽子,用一支削尖了的鹅毛管剔着牙齿。
Spanish people are very jaunty and tropical that almost all of the women can dance the flamenco. 西班牙人非常的活泼与热情,几乎所有的西班牙女郎都懂佛朗明哥舞。
His full mustache curled upward in a jaunty, arrogant way. 他的全部小胡子往上翘着,显出一副扬扬得意的傲慢态度。
The style was maddeningly jaunty. 语言风格惊人地自信。
He always looked jaunty and yet reserved, good-natured, and yet capable and self-sufficient. 他老是精神抖擞而又老成持重,心地善良而又干练、自负。
She adjusted her hat to a more jaunty angle. 她把帽子的角度调整了一下,显得更活泼了。
Perhaps I shall even use it to tap a jaunty tune on Cyrus` s tombstone. He could not decide whether to knock and go in or wait a while until she was ready. 也许我应该用它在塞勒斯的墓碑上敲击出一段动人的旋律来。他决不定是应该敲门进去呢,还是等过一会儿让女儿自己出来。
At the restaurant they sat together, presenting a study in contrasts: Wang, unfailingly thoughtful, and Yu, as jaunty as ever. 在饭店里他们俩坐在一块,产生了鲜明的对比:汪不倦地若有所思,而余则是一贯的愉悦。
Unfortunately, judging by the jaunty faux-1940s veiled topper the possible-princess-to-be wore to the Phillips 'nuptials, odds do not seem good. 遗憾的是,从这位未来王妃的可能人选在菲利浦斯婚礼上所戴的仿1940年代风格、配有面纱的时髦大礼帽来看,机会看来不大。
This attitude combines a lack of class consciousness, a somewhat jaunty optimism and an inquisitiveness. 这种态度包括等级观念不强,得意洋洋的乐观劲儿和刨根问底的好奇心。