N-UNCOUNT 妒忌;吃醋;小心提防 Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they think that another person is trying to take a lover or friend, or a possession, away from them.
At first his jealousy only showed in small ways — he didn't mind me talking to other guys. 起初他的小心眼表现得不是十分明显——他并不介意我和其他男人说话。
N-UNCOUNT 妒羡;羡慕 Jealousy is the feeling of anger or bitterness which someone has when they wish that they could have the qualities or possessions that another person has.
Families have their problems and jealousies, but blood is thicker than water. 家家有本难念的经,也都难免互生嫉妒,但总归血浓于水。
They were divided by mutual suspicion and jealousies. 他们因为相互猜疑嫉妒而不和。
Listen to sweet music, and your foolish fears and petty jealousies will pass away. 倾听悦耳的音乐,你那愚蠢的恐惧与狭隘的嫉妒都会过去。
I'am tired of all these jealousies and quarrels. 我腻烦了这些猜忌和争吵。
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. 你的怨恨、愤慨、挫折和妒忌最终也将消失。
And the jealousies of jarring interests are allayed by the composition and functions of the great national councils annually assembled from all quarters of the Union at this place. 不和利益之间的嫉妒也为每年在此处举行的集合自联邦各地的伟大国家议会的组成和功用所缓和。
For the present they were quite satisfied to be in accord again about one girl, for they had no jealousies between them. 眼下他们对一位姑娘取得了一致的看法,这就相当满意了,因为他们中间并没有什么嫉妒之心。
The Greeks attributed the misfortunes of men in great measure to the antipathies and jealousies of gods and goddesses. 古希腊人大抵把人类的不幸,归诸于神祗们的排斥和妒嫉。
Surely we can rise above petty personal jealousies. 当然我们会抛却这些个人小恩小怨的。
The opposition of still others was rooted in "the honest errors of minds led astray by preconceived jealousies and fears." 还有暗地里的反对者,则是“极度嫉妒和担心而惶恐不可终日。”
His many little jealousies harmed their marriage. 他那许多妒嫉的言行妨害了他们的婚姻生活。
As a supranational body designed to overcome national jealousies, the EU is vulnerable to a backlash in one or other member. 欧盟成立的初衷就是为了建立一个超越国家和民族的机构,克服各国之间的嫉妒。而如今看来,欧盟成为了某些成员国积极反对的对象。
She grew tired of his petty jealousies. 她越来越讨厌他那种心胸狭窄的忌妒行为。
Village life is full of gossip and pretty jealousies. 乡村生活中满是闲言碎语和微不足道的争风吃醋。
"Barriers to intercourse, jealousies, animosities and heartburnings" loom. “对交流的阻碍,猜忌,仇恨,嫉妒”正日渐显现出来。
He was very good at talking me out of things, suspicions and jealousies and so on. 他很善于说服我放弃一些事情,不猜疑,不妒忌等等。
Your grudges, resentments, frustrations, and jealousies will finally disappear. So, too, your hopes, ambitions, plans, and to-do lists will expire. 妒忌、怨恨、挫折与猜忌终将消失。同样的,你拥有的希望、抱负、计画及执行的细节都将终止。
Nationalist jealousies began to reappear once the neighboring states became independent. 一旦邻国独立了,民族主义的妒忌情绪重又出现。
Paul's words correct jealousies and pride, steering people away from extremes that undermine Christian unity and love. 保罗在此批评嫉妒和骄傲的现象,把信徒们从败坏基督完整和爱的极端思想中引导出来。
Where there really is love there is no division of time, thought and all the complexities of life, all the misery and confusion, the uncertainties, jealousies, anxieties involved. 真爱存在之处,便再无时间,思想的区分,生活中所有的复杂,所有的苦痛,混乱,无常,嫉妒和焦虑也将不复存在。我们不得不将大量精力投入到时间和思想上。
All the influencing factors have the same relationships with the three jealousies, but the path coefficients are different. 所有的影响因素对三种嫉妒的影响关系相同,但影响的路径系数有所不同。