The equipment consists of G suit, jerkin, helmet and mask. 本装备由抗荷裤、代偿背心、头盔和面罩组成。
They took off his coat and cap and muffler and the kind of leather jerkin. 大家给脱去上衣、帽子、围巾、还有穿在里面的紧身皮上衣。
He wore a close jerkin. 他穿一件紧身上衣。
His jerkin on the reins only add to the horse's wildness. 他急拉□绳,只使得马更加狂暴了。
He was covered with flies, all crusty with dried blood, might be why no one else had touched him, but under them he wore this studded jerkin, looked to be good leather. 他浑身爬满了苍蝇,覆盖着干涸的血迹,这也可能是没别的人去管他的原因,但在在这之下,他布满粒钉的上衣看上去皮料不错。
Baldy, standing almost directly opposite White Jerkin, stooped to study the characters written on his jerkin. 秃头站在白背心的略略正对面,弯了腰,去研究背心上的文字。
Compensatory effect of newly-developed Jerkin-G-suit against positive pressure breathing 新研囊式背心抗荷裤对加压呼吸的代偿效应
Conclusion PPB resulted in elevation of MAP, TPR, HR and decline of SV significantly using two kinds of Jerkin G suit. 结论使用这两种装备进行加压呼吸均可造成MAP、TPR和HR明显增加,SV明显减少。