The Government seems to have jettisoned the plan. 政府似乎已经放弃了这个计划。
The crew jettisoned excess fuel and made an emergency landing. 机组人员丢弃了多余燃料,紧急着陆。
Yet, in this day and age, this inventory can be easily jettisoned in favor of using the same software packages as a service running on someone else's infrastructure. 但是,在现在这个时代,这个清单完全可以扔掉,取而代之的是在其他人的基础设施上以运行服务的形式使用相同的软件包。
SpaceX wanted to bring its first stage booster back to Earth for a simple reason: the rocket boosters that are typically jettisoned after their fuel runs out cost millions of dollars to develop and manufacture. SpaceX公司想回收一级火箭助推器的原因很简单:推进器的研发和制造过程都耗费了巨资,燃料用尽后,它们就会被当做垃圾丢弃。
What does he want to keep and what needs to be jettisoned? 哪些是他希望保留的?哪些需要抛弃?
Risk trades from commodities to the Australian dollar were jettisoned as investors reached for the safety of bonds and the yen. 投资者抛弃了从大宗商品到澳元的一系列风险交易,转而在安全的债券和日元中避险。
We have literary theory back in the fold, alive and well, and we no longer have to say that it should be jettisoned from our thinking about literature. 文学理论回归,依然盛行,我们不再需要说它应该被投弃,从我们对文学的思考中退出。
Thus they often sounded quite Christian, even though many of them had jettisoned major Christian doctrines. 所以他们往往听起来相当具有基督教精神,尽管其中许多人扬弃了基督教的主要教义。
That probably reflected Germans 'strong belief that social structures that allowed rapid growth in the decades after the second world war need to be modified – not jettisoned. 这可能反映了德国人那种坚定的信念:使经济在二战后几十年间快速增长的社会结构需要改进,而非抛弃。
An escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting, but no life forms were aboard. 逃生舱在战斗中被丢弃船外上面没有生命迹象。
Unsteady Aerodynamics Characteristic Study of a Jettisoned Aircraft Canopy 座舱盖抛放过程中的非定常气动特性研究
Additionally, customary ways of budgeting short-term, piecemeal, reversible and unpredictable must be jettisoned in favour of a long-term, comprehensive strategy. 此外,传统的制定预算方式短期、零碎、可逆、易变必须摒弃,代之以一套长期、全面的策略。
The ubiquitous marigold might be jettisoned for roses, orchids, lilies and gerbera daisies. 无所不在的金盏花,可能会被调换成玫瑰、兰花、百合,或是非洲菊。
The answer is: either the ECB stops buying, in which case the bond market implodes, or the ECB continues, in which case conditionality is jettisoned. 答案是:欧洲央行要么停止购买计划,放任债券市场崩溃;要么放弃条件,继续购债。
The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere. 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的,进入高层大气后即抛掉。
If there were any on board, they must also have jettisoned. 如果有的话,一定也弃船而去。
The airline has jettisoned first class and introduced a new business class on its flights. 这家航空公司在定期客机上取消了头等舱,新设了商务舱。
In fact, when attacked, the Japanese pilots at once jettisoned their load and ran for home. 日本飞行员一遇到攻击,就把所载掷下,减轻负荷,掉头逃走。
They have taken aboard new cargo and jettisoned some outmoded gear. 他们装上新的货物,并把一些陈旧过时的装备抛弃。
It has already jettisoned a Canadian Credit Card Division, sold an insurance unit and announced plans to retreat from some European operations. 美银已放弃了一项加拿大信用卡业务,出售了一项保险业务,并宣布了退出某些欧洲业务的计划。
The delta-winged Columbia, before reaching the orbit, jettisoned its dual booster rockets two minutes into flight. 三角翼的哥伦比亚号航天飞机在进入轨道前,起飞两分钟就抛下其两个助推火箭。
The underlying DNA structure of fragile sites appears to make them particularly prone to breakage and hence to being jettisoned from the cancer genome. 脆性位点的DNA结构似乎使它们特别易于断裂,因而从癌症基因组中被抛弃。
In the event all went well with the launching, the escape tower would be jettisoned and allowed to fall back into the sea. 如果发射顺利,脱险装置便被抛弃,让它落入海中。
The keyboard also has a backlight for working in the dark, is spill resistant and jettisoned some rarely used keys like SysRq for a more streamlined look. 键盘同时还有供暗处工作使用的背景灯,同时具有防溅功能,并舍弃了一些极少使用的键,如系统请求键(SysRq),以此创造更为流线型的外观。
An escape pod was jettisoned during the fighting. 刚刚一个逃生舱在战斗中被扔出飞船。
Armstrong first cut 18,000 jobs and jettisoned frills like corporate limos. 首先,阿姆斯壮精简了18000条影响公司发展的内容,例如公司的豪华轿车等。
Research on the prediction method of the trajectory for a free jettisoned aircraft canopy 预测座舱盖自由抛放运动轨迹方法的研究
Citizens In the new situation of reform and opening up, further behind thoughts, absorb feudal jettisoned from foreign advanced idea, civic education requirements increasingly intense, therefore, to realize legal construction and citizen education union put on the agenda. 在改革开放的新形势下,进一步扬弃封建落后思想、吸收借鉴外来先进理念、进行公民教育的要求日益强烈,因而,实现法治建设与公民教育的结合提上日程。