The accusation that Israeli hawkishness turns young diaspora Jews off their Judaism and their Jewishness has been trenchantly advanced by Peter Beinart, a journalist in Washington, DC. 华盛顿特区记者彼得贝纳特(peterbeinart)进一步猛烈抨击了以色列的好战态度,指责其疏远了年轻的犹太侨民,使他们离开犹太教和犹太文化。
The artist Chagall believed his Jewishness had a deep influence on his painting. 画家夏加尔认为他的犹太人气质对他的绘画作品有深刻的影响。
Many diaspora Jews today still drift out of Judaism or out of Jewishness, or choose to leave. 今天,许多犹太侨民依然会主动或被动地远离犹太教或是犹太习俗。
On the Jewishness in Henderson the Rain King& from the Perspective of Holy Bible 从《圣经》看《雨王亨德森》的犹太性
Pinter's Jewishness Manifested in the Father-Son-Relationship in the Homecoming Cultivation of Gratitude Emotion in Undergraduates in the Background of Utilitarian Education 从《回家》中的父子关系看品特的犹太情愫教育功利化背景下大学生感恩情愫的培养
Sooner or later we'd have to talk about my jewishness. 我们迟早得谈论我的犹太人特点。
Jewish American nightmares; American Dream; Jewishness; Culture; Society; 犹太人的美国噩梦;美国梦;犹太性;文化;社会;
Of course, Freud's disavowal of his Jewishness may help to explain the fog surrounding the issue: Was he or was he not well versed in Jewish tradition? 当然,弗洛伊德对于他的犹太身份的否认或许有助于解释围绕着整个事件的重重迷雾:会不会是因为他对于犹太教的传统研究的不够精深?
In the second part of this work, Marx explores the nature of Jewishness; 作品的第二部分,马克思探究犹太人的本质。
The paper argues that Malamud's naturalism are greatly influenced by Zola on the one hand, and on the other hand evolved from his own Jewish identity and his strong sense of Jewishness. 马拉默德的作品具有非常浓厚的自然主义色彩,其自然主义思想的形成一方面是由于左拉的影响,另一方面则源于他的犹太身份和他强烈的犹太身份意识。
Implied Jewishness in Death of a Salesman 《推销员之死》中隐含的犹太性
He devotes his attention in his fictions to the problems of American society with a strong sense of Jewishness. 他的作品关注美国社会的一些普遍问题,受难成为他作品的主题,犹太人长期被流放的历史使受难更具有特殊的意义。
Jewishness has become an obstacle for the Jews to melt into the modern society. 犹太性成为犹太人融入现代社会的一大障碍。
The middle generation succeeds in getting into the American mainstream but at the cost of losing their Jewishness. 中间的一代成功跻身美国主流社会,代价却是丧失了自身的犹太性。
Mourning the loss of Jewishness is mainly manifested in the loss of the Jewish religion and Jewish identity. 哀悼犹太性的丧失则主要表现在丧失犹太人的宗教信仰和犹太人的身份特征。
For her, Jewishness is equal to the Jewish tradition. Jewishness is something formed in Jewish history, a history of four thousand years. Nothing new can be said to be Jewish. 她反复昭示犹太传统及因此形成的犹太身份的重要性,对于她来说,犹太性就意味着犹太传统,任何新出现的东西都不可能具有犹太性。
My study is to contextualize his works in Jewish historical and cultural background to explore its Jewishness. 本研究主要是把文本放在犹太历史与文化的语境中去考察马拉默德小说中的犹太性。
The previous reviews on Bernard Malamud are mainly concerned with interpreting one dimension of the Jewishness in his novels. Therefore, they fail to evaluate the Jewishness of his novels adequately as well as correctly. 以往的研究主要是对构成犹太性的某个层面去进行文本阐释,所以就不能充分、准确地认识到小说中的犹太性。