He tapped his feet, hummed tunes and jiggled about 他脚下打着拍子,嘴里哼着调子,身子晃来晃去的。
A roll of fat jiggled on the underside of her arm. 她胳膊下侧有一层肥肉一颤一颤的。
She wiped the last of the green herbal goo off my leg, then sort of jiggled my kneecap around a bit, feeling for something. 她拭去我腿上残留的绿色药膏,然后轻轻摇了摇我的膝盖骨,摸着感觉什么。
The shake was merely jiggled chocolate milk, sans ice cream. 这个奶昔只是用力摇晃过的巧克力牛奶,根本没有冰淇淋。
Mother spoke like a happy conspirator as she jiggled riches above their heads. 母亲在孩子们的头上晃动着她的珍藏,就像孩子们的快乐的同谋者。
That wiggled and wriggled and jiggled inside her. 蜘蛛在她肚里快速扭动摇摆。
He jiggled the hook up and down a few times, then spoke into the phone. 他上下轻摇几次钩子,然后对著电话说话。
His eyebrows jiggled up and down in amusement as she told him the story. 她对他讲故事时,他乐得眉毛上下抖动。
Major Hunter jiggled his drawingboard. 享特少校轻轻地摇晃他的画板。
His stomach jiggled as he let off a belch. 当他释怀的时候,他的胃轻摇一打嗝。