The boy jittered in his seat when his teacher called on him. 当老师叫到小男孩的名字时,他在座位上胆颤心惊。
It is used for the noise removing for radar scattered signal, the experiment results show that the algorithm can remove both of white noises and time jittered noises valid. 将该算法应用于雷达散射波信号的噪声去除,试验验证,其对白噪声和时间抖动噪声的抑制较好。
Compared with conventional algorithms, this algorithm is suitable for the deinterleaving of radar signals with jittered PRI, especially for several interleaved radar pulse trains. 与传统的重频分选算法相比,该算法非常适用于对抖动PRI脉冲列的分选,尤其适用于多列脉冲交织在一起的情形。
According to the simulation results, the modified method can estimate pulse repetition intervals of stable PRI, jittered PRI and staggered PRI efficiently, and it's a de-interleaving method with high precision. 仿真表明,该修正的PRI变换算法对固定PRI、抖动PRI和参差PRI脉冲序列都有较好的估计效果,它是精度较高的雷达信号分选方法。