While the inclusive government is still not formed, ZANU-PF continues to make crucial appointments and has appointed party loyalist Johannes Tomana as attorney general. 尽管这个有各党派参加的政府还没有组成,但是,非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线仍不断任命一些重要官职人选,并已经任命效忠该党的托马那担任司法部长。
Throughout the day, more and more people offered Johannes their gloves and even the coats off their backs as they waited for their bus. 在这一天中,越来越多等公交车的人把自己的手套给了小约翰内斯,甚至有不少人把自己的外套脱下来了。
Johannes Gutenberg of Mainz in Germany was perhaps the first European to print a book using not only a printing press but also metallic type. 来自德国美因茨市的约翰内斯古滕贝格可能是第一位不仅使用机器印刷,还使用金属字块来印刷书本的欧洲人。
He has recreated Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, Van Gogh's self-portrait and Johannes Vermeer's the Girl with the Pearl Earring in his own unique style. 他已经用自己的独特方式再创作了达芬奇的蒙娜丽莎,梵高的自画像以及维米尔的戴珍珠耳环的少女。
But Johannes Chan, a law professor at the university, told me there were few signs that their Mandarin was improving as their English deteriorated. 但香港大学法学教授陈文敏(JohannesChan)告诉我,英语水平下降的同时,香港人的汉语水平也没有提升的迹象。
Last week, Johannes Chan, dean of the law faculty at the University of Hong Kong, was refused entry to Macao when he was due to give a lecture. 香港大学法律学院院长陈文敏(JohannesChan)在前往澳门作一个讲座时,被澳门方面拒绝入境。
Department of Urology, University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany 德国美因茨约翰内斯古腾堡大学医学中心泌尿系
Johannes Schroder from Germany, shared their views and updated findings on neurological soft signs in schizophrenia. 陈博士集中在将神经软体征作为精神分裂症的内表型上;
Johannes knew where it was. 佐汉斯知道在哪里。
Don't you think that it's strange that Johannes is dead? 你不觉得佐汉斯的死很奇怪?
The two are the reappointment last November of Central Bank Governor Gideon Gono and the appointment of Attorney General Johannes Tomana, both with strong links to President Robert Mugabe's ZANU PF. 这两个职位是去年11月被任命连任的中央银行行长吉迪恩.戈诺和总检察长约翰内斯.托马纳,他们都和总统穆加贝的非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线有着紧密联系。
His work was defended, expanded upon, and corrected by Galileo Galileiand Johannes Kepler. 他的工作是维护,扩大和纠正伽利略和约翰内斯开普勒。
"Of course the same aspects as last year would be discussed within the Ministry," Johannes Tomasson, a spokesperson for the Ministry in Reykjavik, said. “当然,与去年相同的问题将在我部得到讨论,”内政部发言人约翰内斯托马森(johannestomasson)在雷克雅未克表示。
This is an exaggerated expression of a true enough state of affairs: Johannes Brahms, as pianist, began with chamber music and remained devoted to the genre all through his life. “从贝多芬到马勒的交响乐”,这是一种被十足夸张了的表述形态。身为钢琴家,勃拉姆斯从室内乐开始,并终身醉心与保持了这种风格。
Johannes Brahms is one of the most important and original composers in the Romantic period. 约翰内斯·勃拉姆斯是浪漫主义时期最重要最有个性的室内乐作曲家之一。
Johannes Gutenberg's printing press is considered one of the world's greatest inventions. 约翰内斯古登堡的印刷机被认为是世界上最伟大的发明。
New German President Koehler raises his arm during a swearing-in ceremony in Berlin July 1, 2004. Koehler is successor of former German President Johannes Rau. 7月1日,德国新总统克勒在柏林宣誓就职,接替任期已满的约翰内斯·劳。
In most Chinese works, Johannes Brahms the romantic composer of the19th century is often referred to as a conservative traditionalist and the last classical German musician. 在众多的中文书籍中,十九世纪德奥浪漫主义作曲家约翰内斯勃拉姆斯常常被视为保守的传统主义者,德国古典作曲家中的最后一人。
He was about to mount it when faithful Johannes pushed in front of him, quickly jumped onto the horse, drew the gun from its saddlebag, and shot the horse. 说时迟,那时快,忠实的约翰抢在他之前骑上马,抽出匕首把马杀死了。
When we do we will know who killed johannes. 我们会找到是谁杀了佐汉斯。
Silent Space and Poetic Atmosphere& Johannes Vermeer's Art 静谧的空间,诗一般的意境&维米尔的绘画艺术
They included three paintings by Rembrandt and another by the Dutch master Johannes Vermeer. 包括三件伦勃朗的画,还有荷兰大师维梅尔的作品。
This is the website of Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. 这是美因兹约翰尼斯古腾堡大学的网站。
( astronomy) one of three empirical laws of planetary motion stated by Johannes Kepler. (天文)开普勒三个天体运动定律之一。
The 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer holds an inimitable place among painters. 17世纪荷兰画家约翰尼斯·弗米尔在画家中占有一个无与伦比的地位。
I don't understand why Johannes didn't leave a message. 我不了解为什么佐汉斯不留下口信。
A team led by biologist Johannes Fritz from the University of Vienna has been hand-raising the birds and teaching them how to migrate from breeding areas north of the Alps in Germany and Austria to wintering grounds in Italy. 由来自维也纳大学的生物学家约翰内斯.弗里茨率领的团队正在着手饲养这些鸟类并教它们如何从位于德国阿尔卑斯山北部的出生地迁徙至意大利进行过冬。
VAI, in cooperation with the Institute of Experimental Physics of the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria, has developed a new system which enables the continuous analysis of the chemical composition of steel baths in all metallurgical vessels. 奥钢联同约翰尼斯开普勒大学实验物理研究所联合开发了一种可以连续分析各种冶金炉中钢水化学成分的新型系统并命名为VAI-CON○RChem,已在真空脱气设备上成功进行了工业试验。