v. (尤指旧时作为正式比赛一部分的)马上长矛打斗,骑马比武; (尤指作为正式或公开辩论一部分的)辩论,讨论,争论 n. (骑士)骑着马用长矛打斗; 格斗,竞争 joust的第三人称单数和复数
V-RECIP 竞争;角逐 When two or more people or organizations joust, they compete to see who is better.
...lawyers joust in the courtroom... 法庭上展开激辩的律师们
The oil company jousts with Esso for lead position in UK sales. 这家石油公司和埃索公司角逐英国市场销量的榜首位置。
Joust is also a noun.
There were notable jousts with the Secretary of Commerce. 和商业部长之间明显存在竞争。
V-RECIP (中世纪的骑士)进行马上长矛比武,骑马比武 In medieval times, when two knights on horseback jousted, they fought against each other using long spears called lances.