Eating in East Berlin used to be a hazardous and joyless experience. 在东柏林就餐曾经是一件危险而且沉闷无趣的事情。
The puritans, according to the familiar accusations of the1920s, were joyless hypocrites. 依照二十年代流行的指责来说,清教徒是郁郁寡欢的伪君子。
To her, life seems grey and joyless. 对她来讲,人生似乎很乏味。
Membership in the golf club is highly coveted back then and employees invite their chief executives over for joyless, tense dinners, cigars and brandy in a desperate attempt to impress them. 那时人们极度渴望称为高尔夫俱乐部的会员。员工邀请老板参加气氛紧张的无趣晚宴,并奉上雪茄、白兰地,不顾一切地想要给老板留下好印象。
That is easier said than done, and we do not necessarily recommend that all people should lead a pure and joyless life. 说起来容易做起来难,而且我们也无意建议所有人都该过着平淡无味的生活。
But austerity spells a joyless recovery and the public finances remain fragile. 但紧缩政策意味着复苏将是缺乏喜色的,公共财政也仍然脆弱。
Character voice 1: on cold, rainy mornings, well before dawn, I have been awakened by the clatter of boots as the half-awake, joyless children hurried not to school, but to the great factory. 日记1:在寒冷,下着雨的早晨,黎明前夕,我被一阵哗啦的靴子声吵醒,原来是睡眼朦胧,郁郁寡欢的孩童,他们急促地跑向大工厂,而不是学校。
I need a lamp, and lamps are from China, or so I conclude after a couple of joyless afternoons of local shopping. 我需要一盏台灯,但台灯总是中国制造,这是我扫兴地跑了多家本地商店之后的结论。
How else can you find joy in a joyless place except by realizing that you are not there? 你如何在一个没有喜乐的地方寻得喜乐?除非你明白自己根本就不在那儿。
This type of divine joy cannot be taken away, even amidst circumstances which would appear to the worldly to be entirely difficult and joyless. 即使处于世人看来异常困难和沉闷的情境,这种属神的喜乐也不能被夺走。
In what joyless, parallel universe is complimenting someone on their appearance a gender-specific remark? 在一个多么无趣的平行宇宙里恭维别人的外表才是带有性别偏见的言论?
But I'd rather cast my vote for public schools and the Republicans '"strong family values" over a private school upbringing that had joyless family life. 但我宁愿把我的票投给公立学校,党的“强烈的家庭观念”超过私立学校,养育了不快乐的家庭生活。
This does not mean our worship must be joyless, solemn and somber. 这并不是说我们的敬拜必须不苟言笑,庄严和阴郁。
But choosing a meal as a health-minded adult can be as complicated and joyless as a calculus final. 但是,作为有健康意识的成人选择膳食的态度可以说是复杂和无趣的!
I hope I never become as joyless as they have become. 我希望我永远不会变得像他们现在那样抑郁寡欢。
If austerity can be defined as self-denial and abstention from worldly pleasures, what a joyless bunch we have been, with all that cutting and scrimping. 如果紧缩可被定义为自我克制及放弃世俗享乐,那么这些缩减及节省已使我们变成非常无趣的一群人。
By comparison with the lively teenagers, the adults were a joyless lot. 和活泼的年轻人比起来,成年人一点也不快乐。
A joyless marriage, childhood, etc. 没有乐趣的婚姻、童年等。
Jane is trapped in a joyless marriage. 简陷入了没有欢乐的婚姻。
Faster, faster, the fastest swimmer in the world. a joyless man; a joyless occasion; joyless evenings. 更快,更快,世界上最快的游泳者。不快乐的人;不快乐的场合;不愉快的夜晚。
It tends to sound admonitory and joyless: you might expect a doctor or an insurance company to urge you to take more exercise. 它听起来总带有惩戒和无趣的意味:或许你也能想得到,医生或是保险公司常会督促你多加锻炼。
Life seems grey and joyless to them. 对他们来说生活是没有乐趣和希望的。
Too often at banquets in China he has watched first-growth claret being downed in joyless, glass-draining toasts, well into the small hours. 在中国的酒会上,他常常见到,原装的波尔多红酒,在短短的一会儿的时间内,就被人们一饮而尽。
A joyless man; a joyless occasion; joyless evenings. 不快乐的人;不快乐的场合;不愉快的夜晚。换成是我,也会不快乐的。
Sarah repeatedly tried to fast from compulsive, joyless praise-seeking. Sarah反反复复努力戒除对强制性、无快乐的表扬追求。
All three lovers are so joyless, it's hard to imagine why any of them would want to spend eternity together. 仨小情侣都了无生机,真难想象他们要怎么一起度过天长地久海枯石烂的余生。&美联社。