Partition your. html and. js source files according to your usual software engineering principles. 根据通常的软件工程原则划分.html和.js源文件。
The code here is similar to the HTML/ JS you saw in Listing 3. 此处的代码与清单3中的HTML/JS类似。
It fills in some of Node. js's gaps. 它弥补了Node.js的一些不足。
In the previous example, you used a static file ( ticker. js) to dynamically insert JavaScript into a Web page. 在上一个例子中,使用了静态文件(ticker.js)将JavaScript动态插入到Web页面中。
Next, create a/ js directory for jQuery and the forms plug-in. 接下来,为jQuery和表单插件创建一个/js目录。
This article reviews some of the more important and useful updates to the Ext JS framework. 本文将介绍ExtJs框架中相对更重要和有用的更新。
In this article you learned the basics of Ext JS extension and plug-in development. 在本文中,您学习了ExtJS扩展和插件开发的基本理论。
Ext JS plug-ins are written as classes that always have an init function. ExtJS插件是作为类编写的,总是有一个init函数。
The model is handled by the code in a model JavaScript file ( model. js). 模型由模型JavaScript文件(model.js)中的代码处理。
Another big and completely new feature to Ext JS is charting. ExtJs中另一个大的全新特性就是图表。
If you've used Ext JS, this code might look familiar. 如果您使用了ExtJs,这个代码可能是熟悉的。
This is because the regular person tag is a server-side component that cannot currently be called from JS code. 这是因为规范的个人标签,是一个服务器端的构件,目前还不能从JS代码中对其进行访问。
JavaScript and CSS files are placed under the js folder and css folder, respectively. JavaScript和CSS文件分别位于js文件夹和css文件夹下。
Figure 4 provides a demonstration of three of the available charts in Ext JS. 图4演示了ExtJs中的这三种图表。
JS: Web Service based applications which can rely on a simpler programming model and composition. JS:那些可以依赖一个简单的编程模型和组合的基于WebService的应用最适合使用SCA。
The user can still use regular js scripts and add JavaScript function calls to individual Wicket components. 用户仍然可以使用标准的JS脚本,并为个别Wicket组件添加JavaScript函数调用。
The action can use JS Generation to render JavaScript updating the elements on the page. 这个动作能使用JS生成功能生成JavaScript来更新页面中的元素。
Finally, I was able to find a solution by adding JUST ONE line in the JS script. 最后,我能找到一个在刚加入的JS脚本行的解决方案。
Ext JS solves the problem of managing HTML and CSS to provide a UI look and feel that rivals desktop applications. ExtJS解决了管理HTML和CSS的问题,提供了媲美桌面应用的UI外观。
I have seen and toyed with Ext JS applications running on an iPad with limited functionality. 我已经看到并且实验了在iPad上运行有限功能的ExtJS应用。
MonoRail was improved greatly with the addition of cache support and JS generation. MonoRail被极大的改善,添加了缓存支持和JS生成。