The car was juddering and vibrating as if it would explode. 汽车剧烈地摇晃着、颤动着,就像要爆炸似的。
That is the question on the minds of steel executives as they consider the chances of a four-year boom in the sector juddering to a halt sometime during the next 12 months. 当钢铁业高管们思考该行业连续4年蓬勃发展的局面在未来12个月内某个时点嘎然而止的几率有多大的时候,这个问题一直萦绕在他们的脑海里。
A steep drop in real estate prices would probably bring investment in the sector to a juddering halt and that would likely mean a much-feared hard landing for the Chinese economy and global commodity producers in particular. 房价直线下跌很可能会让流入该行业的投资戛然而止。这很可能意味着,中国经济将出现人们非常担心的硬着陆,全球大宗商品生产商尤其担心这一点。
Indicators such as electricity usage suggest a sudden, juddering slowdown. 耗电量等指标显示,中国经济正遭受一次急刹车般的突然减速。
The textbooks are largely correct, although they omit much, not least the juddering shock of workers having to try to switch from one industry to another. 教科书大体上是正确的,但也忽略了许多问题,特别是受到剧烈冲击的工人们不得不设法转行。