ADJ-GRADED 多汁的;汁液丰富的 If food is juicy, it has a lot of juice in it and is very enjoyable to eat.
...a thick, juicy steak. 厚实而多汁的牛排
ADJ-GRADED (流言或故事)生动的,绘声绘色的,(尤指)涉及隐私的 Juicy gossip or stories contain details about people's lives, especially details which are normally kept private.
It provided some juicy gossip for a few days. 这制造了一些非常八卦的流言蜚语,足够说上几天的。
The newspaper thrived on scandal, the juicier the better. 对于一份依赖于各类丑闻的报纸来说,自然内容越刺激越好。
I have also ignored the even juicier details of greed, stupidity, and corruption. 另外,我还忽略了像贪婪,愚蠢,腐败这样的更有趣的细节。
Not a bad return, though those who got in earlier have enjoyed even juicier ones. 这已经不错了,但先前投资的人甚至享受到了更为丰厚的回报。
Now the financial crisis is yielding juicier opportunities. 如今,金融危机正带来更为诱人的机会。
It's also true that unhappy people tend to have more colorful lives than happy people, so their biographies are juicier, and we tend to know more about their lives. 同样,不快乐的人们也比快乐的人们拥有更为多彩的生活,这样他们的传记更多”精彩“,而我们往往会对他们的生活就有更多的了解。
The provenance of items sold at gold-rush parties can make for juicier gossip than comparing lipstick colours or Tupperware containers. 相对于比较唇膏的颜色或特百惠容器,在淘金聚会上卖掉的物品的来历,可能会成为更生动的闲聊话题。
Yes and No. the problems ( now that I know how to get them) have been juicier and altogether more varied than I had expected. 这些问题(现在我知道如何得到这些问题)比我想象中要有趣,而且更加多样化。