So you did 'Macbeth' in the first year? '—' No, in the first year we did 'Julius Caesar'. ' “那么你在第一年时学了《麦克白》?”——“不,第一年我们学的是《恺撒大帝》。”
In addition, neither HTK nor Julius generates a dialog manager because of insufficient information. 此外,由于没有足够的信息,HTK和Julius都不生成对话管理器。
He was one of the most powerful kings in Europe after Julius Caesar of Rome. 他是罗马朱利叶斯恺撒之后,欧洲最强大的国王。
Julius Caesar, by the way, is the King of Diamonds. 顺便说一下,朱利叶斯恺撒是红方块国王。
It was against the law for Julius Caesar to do that, but he did it anyway. 恺撒这么做是违法法律的,但他就是这么做了。
I have Bob Cousy, Julius Erving and Kobe on the outside looking in. 我还有库西,欧文和科比在候选名单中。
This is where Julius Caesar was quite the genius. 尤利乌斯·恺撒在这点上就很天才。
In fact few men have had a greater influence on the spread of news and the growth of newspapers in the world than Julius reuters. 事实上,尤利乌斯路透对新闻传播和世界报纸的发展影响之大,几乎没有人可与之相比。
Julius Reuter was born a german, but he finally settled in London and became an English man. 朱利叶斯。路透出生在德国,但最后他在伦敦落户,成为了一个英国人。
Julius had invested all his resources in an unsuccessful restaurant. 朱利叶斯已把他的全部资财投入了一家生意不好的饭馆。
Performance has returned and GAM, since sold to the Swiss bank Julius Baer, is again performing strongly. 业绩回升了,在被卖给瑞士JuliusBaer银行后,GAM现在又恢复了强劲的表现。
Recommended reading: Body Language by Julius Fast. 推荐阅读:由朱利叶斯快速的身体语言。
Many famous personages, like Julius Caesar, have left their marks on the city. 在这座城市,朱利斯·恺撒等很多名流要士都留下了他们的印记。
Which queen fascinated both Julius Caesar and Mark Antony? 哪个王后同时迷惑了恺撒和马克•安东尼?
It is an anachronism to say Julius Caesar looked at his watch. 说凯撒看了看手表,那是弄错时代了。
She might have remained in exile had it not been for Julius caesar. 若不是尤利乌斯?凯撒,她或许仍流放在外。
She married her younger brother, Ptolemy, and she became the mistress of the Roman general Julius Caesar. 她嫁给了她的弟弟托勒密,后来又成了罗马统帅尤利乌斯·恺撒的情妇。
He and his son, Prosper Julius Alphonse, formed a partnership a year later to start a nursery. 他和他的儿子,繁荣朱利阿,形成了伙伴关系,一年后开始一个托儿所。
Cromwell secured the boon by the timely present of some choice sweetmeats to Pope Julius II. 他不失时机地对教皇朱利乌斯二世甜言蜜语、巧言令色,确保了这一恩惠的获得。
Julius Caesar, the Roman military and political leader, was born in100 BC. 西泽大帝生于公元前100年,是罗马的军事和政治领袖。
It was the famous Julius Caesar who brought the region on the western bank under Roman control. 著名的尤利乌斯?凯撒大帝将莱茵河西岸的疆域纳入了罗马的统治之下。
The seventh month of the year, July, was named after Julius Caesar. 一年中第七个月,JULY(七月),得名于以朱利斯·凯撒(JULIUSCAESAR)。
Romeo& Juliet, Julius Caesar, The Merchant of Venice. 罗密欧与朱丽叶,恺撒大帝,威尼斯商人。
Julius Caesar was the first government official to order a traffic control act. 恺撒是第一个颁布控制交通法案的政府官员。
Whatever happened between Julius and me is none of your business. 我和朱利叶斯之间发生的一切都你无关。
After me there came Julius, Janis, JoAnn, Jerome, Jude, Jeff and Judy. 我的后面是裘力斯、贾尼斯、约安、杰罗姆、裘德、杰夫和朱迪。
Brutus is the main character in William Shakespeare's JULIUS CAESAR, and Antony is his antagonist. 布鲁特斯在威廉·莎士比亚的作品《尤利乌斯·恺撒》中是主角,而安东尼则是他的敌人。