A jay emerged from the juniper bush in a flash of blue feathers. 只见亮闪闪的蓝色羽毛一闪,一只松鸦从刺柏丛中钻了出来。
Her husband buried her beneath the juniper tree, and he began to cry bitterly. 丈夫按照她的愿望把她埋在了桧树下,痛哭着哀悼她的去世。
With the new version of TSAM Network Extension for Juniper, you can create multiple projects without reserving or locking all the subnetworks. 在新版的TSAMNetworkExtensionforJuniper中,您可以创建多个项目,无需保留或锁定所有子网络。
Juniper, Cisco and Huawei say they are investigating specific allegations about products made in the story. 瞻博网络、思科及华为称,他们正在对文中提及的产品问题进行调查。
This may sound like a natural market for networking companies such as Cisco and Juniper. 这可能听起来就是思科(Cisco)或瞻博网络(Juniper)等网络设备企业的天然市场。
Wherein I, for my part, do not like images cut out in juniper or other garden stuff; they be for children. 例如我个人就不喜欢在杜松或别的园木上刻画的图象;这一类的东西是为儿童们的。
Juniper twigs for that nice smoky smell! 刺柏树枝烧起来的味道真不错!
And laid me under the juniper tree; 将我埋在杜松树下。
Essential oils of Juniper, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Carrot, Fennel, Rosemary and Lemon help soften the effects of a hangover. 杜松、雪松、葡萄柚、薰衣草,胡萝卜子、茴香、迷迭香和柠檬精油会减轻宿醉带给你的不适感觉。
Juniper berries go well with liver. 杜松子和着肝吃,味道很好。
The swamp water was colored by the leachings of gum, cypress, maple, and juniper. 沼泽的水因橡胶树、柏树、枫树、杜松树之滤出物而带有颜色。
Pistachio nuts and wild almonds and acorns and juniper berries. 有开心果、野杏仁、橡实和圆柏。
The high, flat mountaintop is covered with many green juniper and pinon pine trees. 在高高的山顶有一块被杜松和矮松覆盖的平地。
Gin gets its flavor from juniper tree berries, and the quinine in tonic comes from the cinchona tree. 杜松子酒的口味来源于杜松子的浆果,而碳酸奎宁水中的奎宁来自金鸡纳树。
Juniper of swampy coastal regions of southeastern United states; similar to Eastern red cedar. 美国东南海岸沼泽地区的一种杉树;与东红杉类似。
Sue found Behrman smelling strongly of juniper berries in his dimly lighted den below. 苏在楼下他那间光线黯淡的斗室里找到了嘴里酒气扑鼻的贝尔门。
Also along the path are the juniper and pinon pine trees that make Mesa Verde green. 沿路都是杜松和矮松,这些树让梅沙而第绿意盎然。
The path from the church to the Jordan is to be strewn with branches of fir and juniper. 从教堂到约旦,一路上要撒满云杉和桧树的枝子。
In this drink," Old Tom "gin was originally used: it had a heavy juniper flavour and was sweetened. 在这款饮料里,最初是用“老汤姆”金酒:它有一个浓郁的桧木香味和甜味。
Gin is vodka to which resinous flavoring agents-often juniper berries-have been added to provide a unique aroma and flavor. 杜松子酒是向伏特加中添加了树脂风味的物质(通常是用杜松子)来产生一种独特的滋气味。
The juniper is a type of evergreen bush with purple berries. 杜松子是一种生有紫红色浆果的常绿灌木。
Self-described as the "world's most peculiar gin", this spirit is made from an infusion of juniper, coriander, citrus, rose petals and cucumber. 自诩为世界上最独特的金酒,它采用了杜松子、荽、橘、瑰花和黄瓜配方,它叫什么名字?
A few, like "the juniper tree", ask to be left alone. 只有很少的一部分,如《杜松树》被要求保留。
Conifer shrub style such as juniper, yew, pine, etc. 针叶灌木类,如刺柏、紫杉、松树等。
Strong liquor flavored with juniper berries. 用桨果作香料的烈酒。
This presents a lovely scene: a grassy plateau spotted with dark juniper bushes and scattered nomad tents. 这时,展现在眼前的是一幅十分可爱的景象:草甸高原上点缀着一片片暗色的杜松树丛,其间有散落的游牧人帐篷。
Conifer hedge such as yew, juniper, redwood, etc. 针叶树篱,如紫杉、刺柏、红木等。
During flying lessons, Forrest and Juniper learned to rise gracefully into the air. 飞行课上,大森和杜松学会了姿势优美地飞上空中。
Ornamental densely pyramidal juniper of Bermuda; fairly large for a juniper. 非常茂密的一种金字塔形百慕达杉;杉树中相当巨大的一种。