While increasingly effective measures for detecting and junking spam are available, many people attempt to avoid receiving spam by not publishing their e-mail addresses on the Web. 虽然可以使用日益有效的方法来检测和丢弃垃圾邮件,但许多人还是通过不在Web上发布其电子邮件地址来试图避免接收垃圾邮件。
Chris Rock, one of the world's most successful comedians, tries out his ideas in small venues, often bombing and always junking more material than he saves. 世界上最成功的喜剧演员之一克里斯•洛克爱在小众场合试行他的搞笑创意并经常遭遇冷场,因此他摈弃的素材总是多过能用的好段子。
But if this were really a clear net advantage, Americans could easily offset it by immediately wrecking their old plants, junking all the old equipment. 如果真是这样,那美国人完全可以立即拆除老旧设施,从而一举消除日本和德国的领先优势。