Psyco to keep it very short is a just-in-time ( JIT) compiler of Python code into ( x86) machine code. Psyco可以保持代码非常简短;它是(x86)机器代码中的一个JITPython代码编译器。
One of these is the activity of the Just-in-time ( JIT) compiler. 其中之一就是即时(JIT)编译器的活动。
The tool used to increase the performance of Java application is the Just-In-Time ( JIT) compiler. 用来提高Java程序性能的工具是Just-In-Time(JIT)编译器。
Web services enable just-in-time integration by promoting loose coupling and late binding. Web服务通过提升松散耦合和延时绑定来实现即时集成。
Over the course of the last decade, Java runtime vendors have developed sophisticated dynamic compilers, commonly known as Just-in-time ( JIT) compilers. 在过去的十年中,Java运行时供应商开发了一些复杂的动态编译器,通常称作即时(Just-in-time,JIT)编译器。
The next generation of JVMs used just-in-time ( JIT) compilers to speed up execution. 下一代JVM使用即时(JIT)编译器来提高执行速度。
Native code is compiled ( and can be recompiled) by a Just-in-time ( JIT) compiler while the application runs, based on which classes and methods are invoked frequently. 本机代码在应用程序运行时由即时(JIT)编译器编译(而且可以重新编译),基于经常调用的类和方法。
It is not possible to cache just-in-time ( JIT) compiled code in the class cache, so there is no change in behaviour in the JIT when running with class sharing enabled. 不能将即时(JIT)编译的代码存储在类缓存中,所以在启用类共享时JIT的行为没有变化。
They developed just-in-time training modules and workshops and mentored the teams. 他们开发了即时训练程序模块和实践训练,并指导小组工作。
I've already discussed the first: just-in-time hacks to code because of schedule or other external pressures. 我已经讨论了第一个:由于日程或其他外部压力而导致临时大量削减代码。
I guessed that the just-in-time compilation probably had some startup overhead that swamped the running time. 我猜测大概是即时编译所需的启动开销拖累了运行时间。
Provide just-in-time training and mentoring. 提供当时的培训和指导。
For example, in installation, deployment, and just-in-time resource activation scenarios, the resource might not exist when a manager starts to interact with it. 例如,在安装,部署以及即时(just-in-time)资源的激活场景中,当管理者开始与资源进行交互时,该资源可能不存在。
Dynamic, just-in-time discovery and wiring: the virtualized infrastructure can be flexibly and even partially moved across servers, private and public clouds. 动态、即时的发现和装配:虚拟化基础设施可以在服务器、私有和公共云之间灵活,甚至部分的移动。
But with Universal Servers, they will be relatively straightforward, allowing more effective just-in-time resource planning. 但是有了万能服务器,它们将变得查对简单明了,允许更为有效的零库存资源计划。
Just-in-time strategy ensures that while minimizing inventory levels, materials are made available for production. 准时制战略确保在降低库存水平的同时能得到出产所需的物料。
After a few months, our just-in-time system became so efficient. 几个月之后,我们的准时供货办法变得很有成效。
In this class we will examine the Toyota Production System and Just-in-Time manufacturing in a case describing their operation in a Toyota plant in the US. 这堂课中我们要看看案例中描述的丰田美国公司采用的丰田制造系统和准时化生产。
Our equipment, mainly imported from Japan, and the technology we employ, will ensure quality and just-in-time delivery that customers need. 从日本引进的世界一流的主要生产设备和技术可以充分保证产品质量和交货及时。
Many sophisticated supply chains now stretch across continents and rely on just-in-time delivery. 如今许多发展良好的供应链都是横跨各大洲且依赖于准时交货。
Moreover, the algorithm can explicitly re-claims more memory spaces in just-in-time compiler assisted garbage collection. 在即时编译器辅助的垃圾收集优化中能够显式地回收较多的内存空间。
What is Just-in-Time? What is the Toyota Production System? Review each element making up TPS. 什么是准时化生产?什么是丰田生产体系?回顾构成TPS的每个元素。
Businesses use global sourcing and just-in-time production. 商业采用全球采购和即时生产。
What is the main objective of a just-in-time system? 什么是准时制的主要目的?
Study on the Model and Implementation Method of the Logistics Just-In-Time in Customized Assembly Enterprise Cluster 定制型装配企业集群物流准时制模式及实现方法的研究
Just-In-Time is composed of three elements," Takt time"," Continuous flow", and "Pull system". 准时制由以下三部分元素构成,“节拍时间(Takttime)”、“连续流通”和“拉动式系统”。
Just-in-time ( JIT) techniques are sometimes referred to as just-in-time production, just-in-time purchasing and just-in-time delivery. 准时制技术有时称为准时制生产、准时制采购和准时制交付。
The goal of just-in-time purchasing is zero inventory. 准时制采购的目的是零库存。一下下同恩!
Providing most professional and just-in-time technical consults and services! 真诚为广大中国客户提供最专业最及时的技术支持及服务!
Per Olesen published a blog last week discussing a number of the AVM2 notable features, including: Strong Typing, Method Closures, Just-in-Time ( JIT) Compiler, and Garbage Collection. PerOlesen上周发表了一篇博客文章讨论AVM2中若干值得注意的特性,包括:强类型、方法闭包、即时(JIT)编译器和垃圾收集。