At the time the justifiability of the case is not obvious. 当时,这个案件的可辩明性不明显。
Analysis of the Justifiability of Intellectual Property Rights in the Light of Information Right 信息权利视角下知识产权的正当性分析
In the end, the author made a discussion about the justifiability of the current commutation system. 最后,文章对我国现行减刑制度的正当性进行了认真反思。
Standard of proof play an important role in civil action, relating directly to the efficiency and justifiability of civil justice. 证明标准在民事诉讼中具有极其重要的地位,它直接关系到民事审判的效率性和正当性。
Justifiability and Legitimacy of the Compensation System for the Victims from Nation: A Textual Examination from the Legal Philosophy 犯罪被害人国家补偿制度的正当性与合法性&法哲学角度考证
There are interior theory shortages in competition theory, property rights theory and management theory which perfect competition is not possible, the justifiability of property rights need be test, and the efficiency of management defends on rational property rights and environment of efficient market competition. 竞争论、产权论和管理论都存在着内在的理论缺陷,竞争不可能是完全的,产权的合理性必须经过竞争的检验,管理的成效有赖于合理性的产权安排和有效的市场竞争环境。
The second part expounds the justifiability of the exercise of the right, in the aspects of the historical and abroad experience, legal provisions and where its value lies. 第二部分,从法官行使自由裁量权的历史经验、法律规定、域外经验和价值所在等出发,论述了法官行使自由裁量权的正当性。
Justifiability in society is the result of historical progress. 合情性的社会是人类历史进步的产物。
But the justifiability of medical treatment has been limit in strict condition. 但医疗行为的正当性具有严格的条件限制。
This paper tries to examine the justifiability and legitimacy of the compensation system for the victims from nation. 文章试图从法哲学的角度考证设置刑事被害人国家补偿制度的正当性与合法性。
Its existence shall have proper theoretical ground and its production shall be based on the theoretical criteria of justifiability which is connected with the overall justifiability of criminal penalty. 缓刑作为一种代替监禁刑的刑罚制度,其存在自然有着合理的正当性理论根据,且应当在刑罚整体正当性理论根据的基础上产生,并与刑罚整体正当性理论根据息息相关。
In addition, forgiveness has the limitation of justifiability. 宽恕还有正当性限度。
According to the criminal law theory such as allowable danger, the victim's consent and duty conflict ect, this article have made further discussion about the justifiability of medical treatment. 本文根据允许的危险、受害人承诺、义务冲突等刑法理论,对医疗行为的正当性根据作了进一步探讨。
The paper provides the justifiability and necessity of fuzzy collection symptom approach applied in product package damage. 揭示了产品包装损伤应用模糊集合表征的合理性和必要性;
The fair principle as one of the justifications of income tax collection improves the justifiability of the implement of the government tax and efficiently reduces the obstructions of income tax collection. 政府以公平作为征税理由之一,提高了政府征税的正当性,有效降低了征税阻力。
Some countries and areas definitely prescribe the victim 'promise in legislation, so take it as legal justifiability, such as Italy, Korea, Macao. 有的国家和地区在立法上明确规定了被害人同意,所以将其作为法定的正当化事由,如意大利、韩国、中国澳门等;
Ethics, as the reflection of the value of regulations, is regarded as foundation of reasonableness and justifiability of regulations. Naturally, it is the proper view to study personality right and its regulations. 而伦理,作为规范体系的价值表现,成为法律概念与法律体系的合理性与正当性基础,因此成为分析人格权以及人格权规范的恰当手段。
The value of the encouragement of crime consists of the justifiability, legality, attribute, function and practicality. 诱惑侦查价值由其正当性与合法性、属性与功能及实际效用构成。
The source of using unfair competition law to protect intellectual property is the limited justifiability of private right protection mode. 知识产权反不正当竞争保护模式产生和发展的深层依据在于单纯以私权形式保护知识财产的有限合理性。
The Chapter Three states the justifiability of business method patent from perspective of law philosophy. 第三章从法哲学的角度,阐述了商业方法专利的正当性。
Searching a normative model for global governance justifiability is an important base. 寻找一种全球治理的规范性模式是对全球治理进行正当性论证的重要基础。
Therefore, due measures should be taken in practice to integrate the legitimacy and justifiability of the Deferred Prosecution. 因而,应采取适宜措施,在实践中加强“暂缓不起诉”制度正当性与合法性的整合。
As we can see, the history of the education and rehabilitation through labor system is a process that it has its justifiability to exist under certain political circumstance at that time, and this kind of justifiability loses gradually with the development of society. 我们看到,劳动教养制度的历史是一个在当时政治话语下具有其存在的正当性,随着社会的发展,这种正当性又逐渐丧失的过程。
With the theory above in my paper, a prototype system is implemented in a practical project on research, which verifies usability and justifiability of our work and supplys profitable support for practical resource manage in mobile Widget community. 另外,在研究背景的项目实现了原型系统,实施并验证了本文的工作的可用性和合理性,为实际的社区资源管理提供了有益的支持。
Legal rights must be based on and originated from ethical rights for their justifiability and legitimacy; Ethical rights must be recognized and protected in law for their realization. 法律权利必须以伦理权利为根基和本源,才具有正当性和合法性;伦理权利必须得到法律的承认和保护,才能得到现实化。
The first part mainly focuses on defining the concept of custody power, researches the nature of legitimacy, enforceability, time limitation, justifiability and inner contradiction, and further analyzes the necessity of the control of custody power. 第一部分主要对羁押权的概念进行了界定,重点研究了羁押权的正当性、强制性、期限性和诉讼性等基本属性及其悖论性的特点,进一步分析了羁押权控制的必要性。
For the proof of a causal relationship, the burden of proof of the existence of trust should be borne by the plaintiff, and the burden of proof of the justifiability of trust should be borne by the defendant. 因果关系证明中,信赖的存在的举证责任应当有原告承担,信赖的合理性的举证责任应当由被告承担。
Chapter Four theoretically analyzes the functions of the system of prosecution suspension, aiming to explain the justifiability of the system. 第四章对暂缓起诉制度的价值功能进行理论分析,旨在说明暂缓起诉的正当性根据。
The third part discusses the justifiability of using copyright to protect the the character of works. 第三部分论述作品角色著作权保护的合理性。
Justice is the last defense line of maintaining justification. So judicial process and result must embody its validity; and justifiability has to be expressed in some visible way, for which it cannot be realized without public participation. 司法是维护正义的最后一道防线,所以司法的过程和司法的结果都要体现正当性;正义要以看得见的方式实现,所以这种实现离不开公众主体性的实现。