Huang Kan was a disciple of Zhang binglin. 黄侃师承章炳麟。
On Friday night, Prime Minister Naoto Kan spoke of the problems in a speech to the nation. 上周五,日本首相菅直人在一次全国讲话中谈到了这一问题。
On Tuesday, Prime Minister Kan met with American Vice President Joe Biden. 周二,日本首相菅直人会见了美国副总统拜登。
Li Kan, the 18-year-old son of Taiwanese writer Li Ao, has enrolled at Peking University. 台湾作家李敖的儿子李戡(18岁)是北京大学的新生。
The supervisory body and the administration advancing nuclear power exist in the same office, said Mr Kan. “监督机构和促进核能发展的行政部门在同一个办公室里,”菅直人说道。
This morning, I had in-depth exchange of views with Prime Minister Kan and President Lee on expanding trilateral practical cooperation, and we reached important consensus. 上午,我和菅直人首相、李明博总统就扩大三国务实合作深入交换了意见,达成重要共识。
The vice president will meet in Tokyo with Prime Minister Naoto Kan to discuss regional security issues, military cooperation in Afghanistan and the global economic recovery. 拜登副总统将在东京会见日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan),讨论地区安全问题、在阿富汗的军事合作和全球经济复苏。
My name is KAN, this is my personal commentary press. 我的名字是「简」,这是我的个人评论出版社。
I believe Mr Kan will manage the job sufficiently well, so I am not worried. 我相信菅直人将会很好地胜任,因此我不会担心。
Bao Kan is a general term for newspapers and periodicals. 报刊就是报纸和杂志的总称。
But Prime Minister Naoto Kan told parliament Monday the damaged reactors will be shut down sometime this year. 但是,日本首相菅直人星期一告诉国会,今年晚些时候将关闭被损毁的核电站。
Even so, the looming demographic challenges present an opportunity that Mr Kan should seize. 既便如此,已隐约出现的人口挑战还是带了机遇,菅直人应该抓住机会。
Naoto Kan, Japan's prime minister, knows well the dangers of consumption tax talk. 日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)非常清楚谈论消费税可能存在的危险。
The Yomiuri said Mr Kan was matching Mr Ozawa's support even among first-term "freshman" legislators. 《读卖新闻》表示,甚至在上任第一年的议员中,菅直人与小泽一郎的支持率都不相上下。
The loan expansion comes as Prime Minister Naoto Kan prepares a new set of economic stimulus measures. 贷款的膨胀导致首相菅直人准备新的经济刺激手段。
Before quitting, Mr Kan also hopes to pass a bill to promote renewable energy. 在辞职之前,菅先生还希望能通过一项促进发展可持续能源的议案。
During a brief visit to Tokyo on Wednesday, Nicolas Sarkozy, French president, agreed with Japanese prime minister Naoto Kan to work together to develop new international nuclear safety standards. 法国总统尼古拉萨科奇(NicolasSarkozy)周三对东京进行短暂访问期间,与日本首相菅直人(NaotoKan)达成协议,同意合作致力于发展新的世界核安全标准。
Passing these two bills was the condition Naoto Kan set for his resignation. 这两份议案的通过是菅直人辞职的准备条件。
Mr Kan had previously referred to the technology as continuing to be a "pillar" of energy policy. 过去在谈及核电技术时,菅直人曾表示,核电将继续作为日本能源政策的“支柱”之一。
Current Prime Minister Naoto Kan has said the new defence guidelines should not alarm Japan's neighbours. 日本现任首相菅直人称周边国家不必因新的防御大纲而恐慌。
Earlier on Saturday, Naoto Kan, Japan's prime minister, flew to the Fukushima power plant. 周六早些时候,日本首相菅直人视察了福岛第一核电站。
Now Naoto Kan, the prime minister, has suggested Japan should phase out nuclear power altogether. 如今,日本首相菅直人(naotokan)提出,日本应逐步淘汰核电。
"We see a light for getting out of the crisis," a Japanese government official quoted Prime Minister Naoto Kan as saying. 一日本政府官员引用首相菅直人的所说,我们看到了解决这次危机的一缕光线。
Naoto Kan's government has reaffirmed its support for the alliance with America. 菅直人政府重申了对日美联盟的支持。
Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said ties between the Japan and its two most important neighbors have been strengthened by the disaster, but history continues to put a strain on the relationships. 日本首相菅直人说,日本和它两个最重要邻国的关系因这场灾难而紧密了起来,但过去的历史仍使得关系紧张。
But Prime Minister Naoto Kan wants a total review of the country's energy plan. 不过,首相菅直人要求全面审查该国能源计划。
Mr Kan was briefing opposition leaders on Tuesday unaware that a third blast had occurred. 菅直人周二向反对党领袖介绍情况时,对于第三次爆炸并不知情。
Naoto Kan, the prime minister, steps down at the end of August. 首相菅直人在八月底宣布辞职。
We will absolutely not permit precipitous moves in the yen, Mr Kan said. 我们绝不会允许日元出现剧烈波动,菅直人表示。
Opposition parties were quick to turn up the heat on Kan. 反对党已经迅速对菅直人施加了压力。