Kant's work on the critique of experience became ultimately indistinguishable from ontology and metaphysics. 康德关于经验的评论著作最终与本体论和形而上学混为一谈。
Kant and Hegel have developed idealism. 康德和黑格尔发展了唯心主义。
Kant's meaning of transcendental may be gathered by the way he distinguishes it from transcendent. 康德所说的“先验的”的意义,可从他所划分的“先验的”和“超越的”区别,绎出来。
To Kant we owe the completed theory of matter as the unity of repulsion and attraction. 这不能不归功于康德,康德完成了物质的理论,因为他认为物质是斥力和引力的统一。
This view influenced Plato and Kant, and most of the intermediate philosophers. 这种观点影响了柏拉图和康德以及他们两人之间的大部分的哲学家。
So let's look at what happened after Kant. 那么让我们来看看康德之后又发生了什么。
Kant's philosophy, including his theory of knowledge, moral philosophy and aesthetics, forms a complete system. 康德的哲学包括知识论、道德哲学和美学,构成了一个完整的体系。
There is a kind of similarity between Kant's moral philosophy and the Confucian ethics. 康德的道德哲学和中国的儒家伦理有着某种相通性。
This is the theme of every great moralist from Spinoza to Kant to Freud. 这是每一位崇高道德家所关心的主题,从斯宾诺沙到康德再到佛洛伊德。
Kant distinguishes between duties to oneself and duties to others. 康德区分出对自己和他人的责任。
You should read Kant and Hegel and Confucius and Chiang Kai-shek, which are all negative stuff. 康德和黑格尔的书,孔子和蒋介石的书,这些反面的东西,需要读一读。
Metaphysics, Man and Nature& Heidegger and Kant's Transcendental Imagination 形而上学、人与自然&海德格尔与康德的先验想象力
Finally I emphasize the theory of freedom about Kant and hegel. 最后着重概述了与马克思自由观有紧密联系的康德和黑格尔的自由观。
On G.E.Moore's Criticism to Hegel and Kant 试论G·E·摩尔对黑格尔和康德的批判
He was one of Kant's students, so was a friend of Kant and admired him. 他是康德的学生之一,因此是一个康德的朋友和爱慕他。
Traditional materialism and Kant's philosophy are essentially the non-totality thinking mode, which neglect the two dimensions. 旧唯物主义和康德哲学是一种非总体性的思维方式,辩证法的双重维度被遗忘和遮蔽。
This was the best place to study, given my interest in kant, hegel, and marx. 考虑到我对康德、黑格尔和马克思的兴趣,这里是最好的学习场所。
Before discussing his theory, it is necessary to explain Kant's distinction between analytic and synthetic propositions. 讨论康德的理论之前,有必要解释一下康德在分析命题与综合命题之间的区分。
If you're bringing Kant here, you can say that this entails that. 如果你带了康德的书,你可以说它蕴含了这个。
Kant developed a very elaborate theory to explain how was it that Hume could be wrong. 而康德发展出了一套非常详尽的理论,来解释休谟可能是在哪里出了错。
Kant said that practical reason is possible, and we can know certain reliable truths with a practical reason. 康德说,实际的原因是可能的,我们可以知道一个实际的理由一定可靠的真理。
Kant's schema is the important part of his whole critical philosophy. 康德的图型说是他整个批判哲学体系的重要环节。
Duty and will were thus the basis of kant's moral philosophy. 可见义务和意志是康德的道德哲学的基础。
What aesthetic principle is kant's principle of "judgment"? 康德“判断力”原理是怎样的美学原理?
Reduction and criticism of kant's critical philosophy ii. 康德批判哲学的还原与批判。
Kant's philosophy of law is a part in the system of his metaphysics of morals. 康德的法哲学是他的道德形而上学理论的一部分。
Kant, unconsciously, had prejudice for classicism instead of romanticism, which represents Kant's real look. 康德在不自觉中偏向了古典主义而非浪漫主义,这才是康德艺术观的本来面目。
This is the primary question of kant's moral philosophy. 这是康德道德哲学关注的首要问题。
This is the question to which Kant dedicates the Critique of Pure Reason. 这是康德在《纯粹理性批判》中试图回答的问题。
The definition of moral subject is an important issue in Kant's moral philosophy. 对道德主体的规定是康德道德哲学的一个重要问题。