The Karmarkar interior point algorithm is used to solve the programming problem, and calculation is accelerated. Test results show that the proposed model is correct and efficient. 采用Karmarkar内点算法求解该规划问题,加快了计算速度,计算结果表明所建立的模型是正确而有效的。
Karmarkar algorithm for linear programming is a very famous result in the area of international operation research. 线性规划的多项式算法&Karmarkar方法,是近期国际运筹学界的著名成果。
In this paper an improved version of Karmarkar algorithm ( IKA) for linear programming and its convergence analysis are given. 本文给出求解线性规划问题的一种改进的Karmarkar算法IKA。
An New Method for Linear Programming of Manufacture-An Improved KarmarKar algorithm 一种用于求解机械制造中线性规划问题的新算法&KarmarKar改进算法
A Modified Karmarkar Algorithm for Linear Programming with Unknow Optimal Objective Value 未知最优值线性规划的修正Karmarkar算法
Then we use Karmarkar algorithm for the liner programming to get the polynomial-time algorithm for liner fractional programming. 将Karmarkar算法用于该线性规划,我们得到了线性分式规划的多项式算法。