This hate is seeded in alaya consciousness and the karmic creditors will follow you in all your lives. 这种怨恨在阿赖耶里面就变成种子,生生世世跟着你。
I instantly realized that I had just created one more karmic creditor – even if he did not know of my swearing! 我立即意识到我刚制造了又一个冤亲债主&即使他不知道我的诅咒!
This act of sacred compassion and karmic repeal has the ability to release you from the bonds of your dark-controlled lives and to place you directly into the flow of the manifesting new Earth. 这神圣的慈悲和业力废除行为将有能力去释放黑暗控制你们生活的束缚,将你们直接带往那显现新地球的流程。
Intend to complete your karma for karmic based marriages in this lifetime so that you can give birth to ascending partnerships and ascending marriage. 意愿完成你今生这些基于业力而结成的婚姻的业力,以便你可以产生提升的伴侣和提升的婚姻。
Thus, the South Node becomes the suction point for all incoming Karmic energy from the past incarnations. 因此,南交点是个吸入型的点,吸入过去转世中产生的所有业力能量。
Ascension brings about restitution of all karmic manipulations. 提升带来了对所有业力操控的归还。
If that ain't the karmic wheel spinning, I don't know what is. 这要不是命运,我都不知道还能是什么。
That bad things are there to teach us a karmic lesson? 那些坏的事情给我们上了一课?
Karmic patterning refers to the karmic pre-conditioning that we have brought into this lifetime to work with and master. 因缘(因果报应)模式指的是前世的因缘会带来进入这一生共同起作用和掌控。
In parallel, lemongrass will assist ascending humans in learning to hold your boundaries in karmic encounters with others. 柠檬香草提醒提升者,在一切情况下持有你的界域并留住你的提升信息。
Nemesis studies are a topic to understand destructive tendencies that are held in the karmic systems of non-resonant biology. 死敌研究,是一个来理解在不共振生物体的业力系统中所携带的破坏性倾向的主题。
Karmic completion brings about life changes. 业力终结就带来了生活的改变。
No karmic similarities of personality or anything, just starts over like a blank slate. 没有人格或者任何什么的因果和相似,只是完全重新开始。
Thoughts are tangible objects on higher planes. Every thought and action has its effect on us and on our surroundings and has a karmic consequence. 在更高的层面,思想是切实的物体。每个思想和行动都影响我们和我们的环境,并导致羯摩后果。
Sometimes there are rifts in the path and one falls through, experiencing a difficult karmic encounter. 有时候在路径上有一些裂缝,你通过,体验一场艰难的业力遭遇。
Some karmic creditors will not trouble you again if they are convinced of the Buddhism, but some of them are really persistent and they are determined to take the revenge against you. 有些冤亲债主听了佛法劝导,他就算了,不再找麻烦;有些很执着,非报仇不可。
Certain Karmic events or new acquaintances occur in her life at this time. 某些业力事件或新相识会在此阶段发生在她生活中。
It is another dimension that breaks into the karmic realm. 它是在另外一个层面的,它打破了因果循环。
Remember that we must respect the laws of freewill, and the karmic situations that you have been responsible for. 记住我们必须尊重自由意志的法律,和你们在为之负责的业的情形。
The destiny and realization numbers are definitely karmic. 命运和现实号码绝对是卡米克数字。
However, the relationship will be based in the new energy without the karmic attachments. 不过,这种关系将奠基于新的能量,不再与业力有所牵连。
The disparity between these groups created a wide variety of karmic patterning and bonds between many of you, and the key to releasing all this is simply Love and forgiveness. 这两类不同的人之间制造出了多种多样的业力形式和业力负担,去缓解这些业力的关键仅仅是爱和原谅。
There is a difference between karmic harm and non-karmic harm, and Tiger would like to explain. 在业力性伤害与非业力性伤害之间是有区别的,老虎很愿意来对其进行解释。
Thailand has long called travelers from around the globe to take spiritual succour and karmic rest. 泰国长期以来一直呼吁来自世界各地的旅客采取宗教精神救助和休息。
As in the universe, so also within man himself: karmic process is inherent in everything. 象在宇宙中和人本身当中一样,业的过程是万物中固有的。
This is a time of karmic completion. 这是一个业力完结展现的时刻。
This node-return is thus a major Karmic phase in one's lifetime. 因此交点回归是人一生中一个主要的业力阶段。
It would be like this giant karmic debt. 那就像欠下了巨大的孽债一般。