Our club provides pushing and cleaning karts service. 俱乐部提供专职的推车员和车辆清洁服务。
Marketers say the TV Karts generate revenue by keeping children entertained so parents can shop longer. 经营者说,电视购物车是通过让孩子非常开心,使孩子父母可以花更多的时间去购物来产生利润的。
Why do I feel like karts of other players are faster than mine? 为什么我感觉卡丁车其他球员比我快?
In actual honestly I was racing go karts in Brazil just to keep fit. 事实上我只是在巴西跑了卡丁车来保持状态。
The Development of a PIC Based Controller for Electrical Karts 基于PIC单片机的新型电动卡丁车控制器研究
The stability conditions of Surrounding rock and the size of the karts are positively proportional relationship. 隧道围岩稳定性状况与溶洞规模的大小呈正比关系。
Jinan has favorable hydro-geological conditions to carry out artificial recharge, namely fracture karts aquifer has a large permeability coefficient. 济南市具有非常利于人工回灌的水文地质条件,即裂隙岩溶含水层渗透系数大。