As he looked at Katherine, great sorrow clouded his eyes. 他看着凯瑟琳,满眼忧伤。
Katherine was forever secretive 凯瑟琳总是神神秘秘的。
Katherine was frozen in horror. 凯瑟琳吓呆了。
'Run, Katherine. For pity's sake run!' he screamed. “跑,凯瑟琳,快跑!”他尖叫道。
Katherine took another sip from her glass to calm herself. 凯瑟琳又抿了一口杯中的酒,竭力使自己镇静下来。
I use the example of Katherine Graham. 我以凯瑟琳格雷厄姆为例。
Katherine Watson. Nice to meet you.-Dr. Watson, I presume. 凯瑟琳沃森.很高兴认识你们.-我想应该称你为沃森博士了。
Katherine Curtis created this activity in1920. 柯蒂斯在1920年创建了这个活动。
As soon as I went in, Katherine cried out with pleasure. 我一进门,Katherine就高兴的叫起来。
Bonnie: I mean, Katherine looked just like you. 凯瑟琳和你长的一模一样。
I asked one of the nurses why Katherine was catatonic. 我问一个护士为什么凯瑟琳会得了紧张性精神分裂症。
My mission is to ensure the survival of John Connor and Katherine brewster. 我的任务是确保约翰。康纳和凯瑟琳。布鲁斯特活着。
Katherine Hepburn co-starred with Spencer Tracy in many films. 凯瑟琳赫本和斯潘塞特雷西联袂主演了很多电影。
Katherine subtly slowed down as she saw Harold's house getting nearer. 看见哈罗德的家近了,凯瑟琳又微妙地把速度放慢了。
α and Katherine had known each other for a month. 阿尔法和凯瑟琳已经认识一个月了。
Katherine: Don't disrespect this class just because you're married. 不要以为你结婚了,就不尊重这堂课。
Do you think I'm pretty?@ katherine asked. “你认为我漂亮吗?”凯瑟琳问道。
The actress Katherine Hepburn's thoughts on the matter are certainly thought-provoking. 毫无疑问,女演员凯瑟琳·赫本在这个问题上的想法是发人深省的。
Exactly what we'll do with katherine. I'm sure she's being cloned now. 事实上我们对凯瑟琳就要这么做,我确信她现在已经被克隆了。
Don't you even like me?@ katherine asked stonily. “你甚至不喜欢我吗?”凯瑟琳毫无表情地问道。
One can think of the life of Katherine Hepburn here and her battle with Parkinson's Disease. 在这里,你可能会想起凯瑟琳·赫本和她的帕金森疾病。
They've called the twins Katherine and thomas. 他们给双胞胎取名为凯瑟琳和托马斯。
Joseph and Katherine, God bless you. I love you. 约瑟夫和凯瑟琳,上帝保佑你们,我爱你们。
I'll walk home every afternoon with you,@ Katherine said. 每天下午我要和你一起从学校走回家,凯瑟琳说。
Katherine: A pillow, blanket, toothbrush, movies. 枕头,毛毯,牙刷和电影。
Katherine: I dislike my mother-in-law. 凯瑟琳:我不喜欢我的婆婆。
Bree discovers a shocking connection to her new employee, Sam; and Katherine is confused over her feelings for Robin. 布雷发现了一个令人震惊的连接到她的新员工,萨姆和凯瑟琳是混淆了她感情罗宾。
Katherine: How could you not have told me Sylvia was here? 你怎么能不告诉我塞尔维亚来过这里?
Clark told you about katherine. 克拉克告诉你凯瑟琳的事了。
So, where is Katherine and Peter's lab? 那么,凯瑟琳和批特的实验室在哪里?