Kathleen gave me a really cool dress. 凯瑟琳给了我一件非常漂亮的衣服。
'Kathleen' was, as its 1892 subtitle asserted, 'An Irish Drama'. 正如1892年剧本的副标题所强调的,《凯瑟琳》是一部“爱尔兰戏剧”。
As for Sister Kathleen and your parents? Not a single word to them. 不要对凯瑟琳嬷嬷和你的父母泄漏一个字。
Kathleen: Oh, well, good for you. 凯瑟琳:噢,是嘛,对你有好处。
Kathleen, I've got something very important to tell you. 凯萨琳,我有一件很重要的事要跟你说。
I want to thank my brother and sister Tony and Kathleen cannizzaro. 我还谢谢我的弟弟托尼和妹妹凯瑟琳。
Mark and Kathleen left the shaved ice stand and walked through the night market. 马克和凯萨琳离开挫冰摊,继续逛夜市。
Kathleen and Mark walked outside to wait for the bus. 凯萨琳和马克走到外头等公车。
Kathleen: Why do cats always drink toilet water? I have prepared water for you! 小智:为什么猫总爱喝马桶里的水?我已经给你准备了喝的水!
Kathleen: My husband and I would like a wake-up call tomorrow morning. 我先生和我想要明天早上的起床服务。
Kathleen: I just had a breakthrough. 凯瑟琳:我刚刚有了一项突破。
How do Kathleen and others around him help Mark? 凯萨琳和身边其他人如何帮助马克?
How's Kathleen coming along with her swimming? 凯瑟琳游泳学得怎么样了?
How is Kathleen able to catch him or stop him? 凯萨琳能追上他、阻止他吗?
This is Kathleen. I'm Joe. 这是凯瑟琳,我是乔。
He and Kathleen returned to the restaurant. 然后他和凯萨琳回到饭店餐厅。
It's my honour to present Miss Kathleen jones. 我荣幸地向大家介绍凯瑟琳琼斯小姐。
Miss Kathleen kearney's musical career was ended in Dublin after that, he said. 他说,凯恩琳卡尼小姐的音乐生涯从此断送在都柏林了。
Because she has no middle name, she chose K from her grandmother's name, Kathleen. 因为是一个字的名字,于是她借用了祖母的名字凯斯琳的首字母K。
It was precisely because Kathleen was a woman to whom I could talk that I kept silent. 正因为凯丝琳是个与我心照不宣的女人,所以我才保持缄默。
She adopted a child that had been born to miss Kathleen fenn. 她收养了凯瑟琳芬恩小姐生的一个孩子。
He tells me that Commissioner Kathleen Casey just uttered the words "going forward" but then she stopped and looked at Chairman Christopher Cox. 他告诉我,凯瑟琳凯西(kathleencasey)委员刚刚说了“goingforward”这个词,但随后她停住了,看了看克里斯托弗考克斯主席。
Do Mark and Kathleen help him? 马克和凯萨琳会帮助他吗?
Idea 2: Kathleen falls off the sled when it hits a bump. 想法二:雪橇撞到地面突起物时,凯萨琳掉下来了。
"Wake up, Mark!" Kathleen yelled as she knocked loudly on Mark's door. 凯萨琳大声地敲马克的门,喊著说:「马克,起床了!
Kathleen wild got married without telling anyone beforehand. 凯瑟琳怀尔德事先没告诉任何人就结婚了。
Kathleen: Did you ask them to send more blankets up? These blankets they use are too thin. 你有叫他们多送一些毯子上来吗?这些毯子太薄了。