Written in 1994, the letter beat notes by Keats, Churchill, Jimi Hendrix and the great Hollywood lovers Richard Burton and Liz Taylor. 这封情书写于1994年,它在评选中打败了济慈、丘吉尔、吉米亨德里克斯以及好莱坞最著名的恋人理查德伯顿和丽兹泰勒,荣登榜首。
Thomas has been called the James Joyce of Wales and compared to his own hero, John Keats. 托马斯被称为威尔士的詹姆斯·乔伊斯(JamesJoyce),亦常常与他的偶像约翰·济慈(JohnKeats)相提并论。
Keats 'reputation as a poet rests largely on the Odes and the later sonnets. 作为诗人,济慈主要享誉于他的几部颂诗和后来的十四行诗。
I enjoy poets such as keats. 我喜爱像济慈那样的诗人。
There are few poets such as Keats and Shelley. 像济慈和雪莱那样的诗人现在少了。
Hi! I'm Morris Keats. 你好!我是莫里斯·济慈。
With Keats and Stevenson, I have an acquaintance. 对济慈和史蒂文生我也稍微了解。
The odes are generally regarded as keats's most important and mature works. 颂诗是济慈最重要也是最成熟的作品。
Shelley's body was identified by the volumes of Keats and Sophocles found in his pockets. 从一具尸体的衣服口袋里发现了济慈的诗集和索福克勒斯的集子,从而证实那就是雪莱。
She cited a verse from a poem by keats. 她引述济慈诗中的词句。
Keats was contemporary with Shelley. 济慈和雪莱是同时代人。
Goethe, hugo, Keats and Shelley were all important writers associated with romanticism. 歌德、雨果、济慈及雪莱都是与浪漫主义有关的重要作家。
Keats is one of the greatest romantic poets. 济慈是伟大的浪漫主义诗人。
For me, the poetry of Keats has always had an enormous appeal. 济慈的诗对我来说总是极具吸引力。
He quoted a few lines of Milton. She cited ( a verse from) ( a poem by) Keats. 他引了弥尔顿的几行诗。她引述济慈(诗中的)词句。
He discoursed upon the poetic style of John keats. 他讲了约翰?济慈的诗歌风格。
Such poets as Keats and Shelley wrote Romantic poetry. 有些诗人,如济慈和雪莱,写的是浪漫主义的诗歌。
He often quotes from Keats. She cited ( a verse from) ( a poem by) Keats. 他常引用济慈的诗句。她引述济慈(诗中的)词句。
Ode to a nightingale is written by John keats. 《夜莺颂》是约翰济慈写的。
When I have had a bad day at school, I read Keats and forget everything. 如果哪天在学校不开心,我就读济慈的诗,于是所有的事都忘记了。
Keats's odes have been popular ever since their appearance. 约翰·济慈的颂诗诞生以来一直广为传颂,经久不衰。
Romantic poets Keats, who died at the unripe age of26, and Shelley are buried here. 浪漫主义诗人济慈在26岁的盛年早逝被安葬在这里,与他相伴的还有雪莱。
UNICEF Ezra Jack Keats International Award for excellence in children's book illustration; 儿童基金会埃兹拉?贾克?凯茨国际优秀儿童读物插图奖;
I am morris keats. 我是莫里斯济慈。
It's in that context that the remarks he's making about Keats have to be understood. 我们只有在这种情况下,才能够理解他对于济慈的评论。
By this time Shelley had become a friend of Leigh Hunt and Peacock and had met Keats. 到这时,雪莱已和利·亨特以及皮科克成为朋友,而且与济慈会过面。
Poems by Wordsworth, Gorge Gordon Byron and John Keats have long been favorites. 华兹华斯,拜伦,济慈的诗歌一直为人们所钟爱。
Reports on Keats, selected poems and letters; Coleridge, essays on Shakespeare. 报告济慈的诗选与书信;柯立芝评论莎士比亚的文章。