My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep. 我对肯德尔及其公司的忠诚加深了。
It was a severe blow to Kendall's pride. 这严重地打击了肯德尔的自尊心。
Meanwhile, a Facebook account has now been created as part of Jones 'defense called Support Kendall Jones. 同时,有人新注册了一个名为支持肯德尔琼斯的新账号,这是琼斯的辩护方式之一。
Curator Leslie Kendall of the Petersen Automotive Museum says autonomous cars will go a step further and make the highways safer. 彼得森汽车博物馆馆长莱斯利.肯德尔说自主性汽车将更进一步并使公路更安全。
It was shocking, Kendall said. How can people be so cool? 太让人震惊了,肯德尔说,人们怎么会这么酷?
Last month, Lockwood and Kendall traveled to New York City. 上个月,洛克伍德和肯德尔去了纽约。
After five years in Florida, the couple found a home in Savannah, Ga. Kendall was working as a features editor at The Savannah Morning News. 在佛罗里达生活了五年后,夫妇俩在佐治亚州的萨凡纳找到了一处住处。肯德尔在《萨凡纳晨报》(TheSavannahMorningNews)找到了一份特稿编辑的工作。
At some point Kendall decided to drive to Cincinnati to meet her. 在某个时候,肯德尔决定开车去辛辛那提看望她。
Over the next eight years, Kendall, who no longer wrote poetry, worked as a reporter, designer and editor at local newspapers in New Hampshire, Florida and Georgia. 在接下来的八年中,肯德尔不再写诗,而转行当了记者、设计师,并给新罕布什尔、佛罗里达和佐治亚的当地报纸当过编辑。
Kendall had five surgeries. 肯德尔动了五次手术。
She handed the phone to Kendall to give me directions. 她把电话交给肯德尔,让他告诉我地址。
One afternoon during my visit to Lawrence, Lockwood and Kendall were in the side yard of their house, he drinking wine on the grass, she finishing a shot of vodka while sitting on a swing suspended from a large tree. 在我拜访劳伦斯期间的某个下午,洛克伍德和肯德尔在房子一侧的庭院里,他坐在草地上喝葡萄酒,她则坐在挂在一棵大树上的秋千上,喝完一小杯伏特加。
One young man approached Kendall to introduce himself and ask about his eyes& he had contributed to the surgery fund. 一位年轻人走到肯德尔身边,介绍了自己之后询问了肯德尔的眼睛&他为肯德尔的手术捐过款。
It was there, online, that her poetry caught the eye of Kendall, a child of two missionaries who spent formative years in Thailand and Korea but who was by then living in Colorado and writing poems. 正是这些网上留言引起了肯德尔的注意。肯德尔的父母都是传教士。他在泰国和韩国长大,那时他住在科罗拉多,以写诗为生。
And then Kendall began to notice something wrong with his vision; he was having trouble reading at work. 就在这个时节上,肯德尔开始注意到他的视力出现了问题;他在工作的时候阅读有困难。
Eve kendall: patience is a virtue. 伊芙坎多:耐心是一种美德。
One of the biggest local employers is caterpillar, which makes earth-moving equipment at a plant in Eastern Kendall. 当地最大的雇主之一是制造挖土设备的卡特彼勒(caterpillar),该公司在肯德尔县东部有一家工厂。
Compared to Kendall's W, intraclass correlation coefficients have a wide scope of application. 相比较而言,组内相关系数检验的应用前景更广阔。
You carried Kendall wounded to the pickup. 你背着受伤的肯岱到会合点。
Kendall, a chemist, co-founded Mack in1920, he had experimented with Bakelite and urea at Thomas Edison Cos., trying to find a good replacement for wax used in phonographic records. 在1920年共同创办麦克以前,化学家当劳。肯德尔,他曾在托马斯爱迪生公司试验胶木和尿素,试图寻找唱片中蜡的替代品。
Back in Kendall county not all is gloom. 回到肯德尔县,并非一切都令人沮丧。
Captain osborne, you are not to go near lieutenant kendall. 欧丝上尉,不准你接近肯岱中尉。
At least you and Kendall agree on that. 至少这点你跟肯岱看法一致。
Rejuvenate this season's nude runway trends like modeling beauty and Kim Kardashian's little sis Kendall Jenner with a splash of neon color. 本季裸色时尚秀趋势是使人青春亮丽,就像“造型美”和金·卡戴珊小姐妹肯达尔·詹娜一样,为指甲泼洒上霓虹灯般亮丽的色彩。
Kendall will never give that to you. 肯德尔绝不会让你进入的。
Plano sits at the western end of Kendall County, where metropolitan Chicago blends into rural Illinois. 普莱诺位于肯德尔县的最西部,是芝加哥地区与农业大州伊利诺伊州接壤之处。
In that case, we have A24 footer at the Kendall store. 这样的话,有个肯德尔商店买了24尺。