Rather than use keystrokes, you use key sequences, or several keystrokes made in rapid succession. 那么我们就不能简单地使用一次击键来实现了,而是需要使用击键序列,或者快速连续输入多个键。
There is a built-in tutorial for the version installed in Linux, and once you get used to it, you can do some truly incredible things in a few keystrokes. 对于Linux中安装的版本有一个内置的教程,一旦您熟悉了vi,只需几次击键就可以完成不可思议的任务。
This ensures that you are not tied to Spring Roo, and you can remove Roo from your project at any time in a few keystrokes. 这确保您不依赖于SpringRoo,您只需几个按键即可随时从您的项目中删除Roo。
You can download and upload files with just a few keystrokes, making the process quick and easy. 您只需输入简单的命令就可以下载和上传文件,这使得整个过程变得快速而简单。
Rearranging the words requires too many keystrokes. 重新安排单词需要太多的击键次数。
A sufficiently modified desktop or alert voyeur could log keystrokes before they reach the SSL library. 一个经过充分修改的桌面机器或一个警惕的“窥视狂”可以在击键信息到达SSL库之前将其记入日志。
Conversely, it's possible for cnee to print out keyboard events before Firefox has a chance to process the keystrokes. 与此相反,cnee可能会在Firefox有机会处理击键事件之前输出键盘事件。
If you continue sending keystrokes to the screen, you will encounter terminal lock-up. 如果继续发送击键(键值)到屏幕上,将导致终端锁定。
To conserve those precious keystrokes and retain all the settings you've made, UNIX shells offer aliases and startup files, respectively. 为了保留以前输入的内容和保存以前的所有设置,UNIXShell分别提供了别名和启动文件。
The cd shuffle can save you thousands of keystrokes in a very short time. cd转移可以在非常短的时间内为您节约数千次键击。
The magic keystrokes will give a stack trace of the currently running processes and all processes, respectively. 上述魔术的击键会分别给出当前运行的进程和所有进程的堆栈跟踪。
A complement to the obfuscation and total timing measurements is a precision between keystrokes requirement. 对密码模糊度和测量总计时的补充是击键需求之间的精度。
Otherwise you could have a spyware page that copied your keystrokes to another server. 否则,您需要有一个监控页面,它将您的按键操作“复制”到另外一个服务器。
While most useful in Command Status screens, these keystrokes work in all screens ( see Table 1). 尽管这些键盘输入在命令状态屏幕中最有用处,但它们可以在所有的屏幕中使用(请参见表1)。
The client code to monitor the keystrokes and to make the Ajax request is almost exactly the same. 用于监控击键和发出Ajax请求的客户端代码几乎完全一样。
The malware logs keystrokes, as when a customer manually enters her PIN, and communicates back to the attackers 'computers so they can remove payment data, update the malware or delete it to escape detection. 这个恶意软件能记录按键动作,比如一个顾客用手输入自己的PIN这种动作,把其传回攻击者的计算机,使他们能够取得支付数据,更新恶意软件或将其删除以免被发现。
To send keystrokes or combinations of keystrokes to the active application and wait for the keystroke messages to be processed. 可以将键击或组合键击发送到活动应用程序,并等待处理键击消息。
Control is not a container control and does not receive keystrokes. 控件不是容器控件,不接收击键。
You can use this property to process most keystrokes in your application and either handle the keystroke or call the appropriate control to handle the keystroke. 可以使用此属性处理应用程序中的大部分击键事件,并可以处理击键事件或调用适当的控件来处理击键事件。
Faster typing: IntelliSense word completion helps you to save keystrokes. 更快地键入:智能感知识别子补齐能节省你的按键次数;
It lets you record all keystrokes, the time they were made and the application where they were entered. 它可以让您记录所有击键,时间,他们的进展和应用情况下,他们进入。
It does not use any keystrokes and has near-crypto-key strength. 它不使用任何按键,并已接近加密的关键力量。
The package wizard is effectively sending keystrokes to a buffer with the intend of performing edits. 为了执行编辑,包向导不断地发送按键到缓冲区。
News from around the world on virtually any subject waits literally just a few keystrokes and a mouse-click away. 来自世界各地的新闻几乎没有受到等候在字面上仅几击键和滑鼠按键盘。
It's easy to do the math with a few simple keystrokes. 操作起来很简单的数学与几个简单的按键。
You can use this method to send keystrokes to an application and wait for any processes that are started by the keystrokes to be completed. 可以用此方法将键击发送到一个应用程序,并等待完成由这些键击所启动的任何进程。
You provide input values with keystrokes or touch events, and view the results as screenshots. 您提供按键或触摸事件的输入数值,然后观察输出结果的截屏。
A control on a form may be programmed to cancel any keystrokes it receives. 可以对窗体上的控件进行编程,以取消它所接收的任何击键。
We create a test script by capturing an exact sequence of exact keystrokes, mouse movements, or commands. 我们通过截取一段敲键、动鼠标或者命令行序列来创建一个测试脚本。
We're now putting the operating system into a sleep state even between keystrokes. 我们现在使操作系统在按键间隙时处于睡眠状态。