Genghis Khans Mausoleum in Dongsheng has become a shrine for Mongolian youth. 成吉思汗在东胜的陵寝成了今日蒙古族青年的拜谒之地。
The present city is characteristic of a fortified town dating from the ottoman18th and19th centuries, with typical urban components such as the citadel, mosques, Khans and baths. 现在的城市是土耳其人18到19世纪之后建立发展的,拥有保存完好的城堡、真寺、栈和土耳其浴室等建筑。
She was beaten by the Mongol khans. 它败在蒙古可汗手中。
Hasar in these two kinds of legends is related to Chinggis Khans career by his character, physique, spirit and historical contribution. 这两类传说中的哈撒儿形象均与其性格、体貌、精神和历史功绩以及成吉思汗事业相关,有其历史渊源。
In the course of destroying Jin and Song Dynasties, the conflicts among national cultures are sharpening and the rule ideals of the Mongolia Khans are changing. 在蒙古人灭金、灭宋的过程中,民族文化的冲突加剧,蒙古大汗们的统治观念也在发生着变化。