By God, he had the little kipper down in the county Carlow he was telling me 真的,他还告诉我,他把那小子带到卡洛郡去啦
A kipper is a herring, sliced in half before being salted and smoked. 它的制作非常简单,仅仅只是半片腌熏过的鲱鱼。
A kipper is a whole herring fish that has been split from tail to head, salted, and smoked. 腌鱼是整条鲱鱼去头去尾后以盐腌制而后烟熏而成。
They were amazed when the park's dogs Geoffrey and Kipper, a lurcher and a Golden Retriever, took a shine to the new resident. 而令工作人员感到惊奇的是野生动物园的两只狗&杰弗里和奇帕,一只狩猎狗和一只金色的瑞崔弗,非常喜爱这位新宿友。
The way to kipper is to clean it, rub it with salt and pepper, and then dry it in the smoke of a fire. 制鱼干的方法是先把鱼弄干净,用盐和胡椒搓,之后在火上熏干。