A producer on the walking dead TV series, Kirkman has a second comic-based TV series with AMC in development, thief of thieves. 作为《行尸走肉》电视剧的制片人,柯克曼正在与AMC合作开发第二部根据漫画改编的电视剧《贼中大盗》(ThiefofThieves)。
Robert Kirkman has been popular with this comic book crowd for a long time, but thanks to the critically acclaimed and ratings champion AMC program and award-winning video games from telltale studios, the walking dead has become a mainstream phenomenon. 由于AMC电视台那部备受欢迎的收视冠军剧集以及TelltaleStudios公司制作的获奖视频游戏,《行尸走肉》已经变成了一个主流现象。
Kirkman, 34, has moved from Richmond, Kentucky to Los Angeles. 34岁的柯克曼如今已经从肯塔基州里奇蒙德搬到了洛杉矶。
But comic book writer/ executive producer Robert Kirkman already told THR he wanted to avoid having a new big bad every season. 但是漫画原作者兼执行制作人罗伯特柯克曼告诉THR他想避免进入每一季都有一个大反派死去的循环。
Based on the comic book series from Robert Kirkman, Tony Moore and Charlie Adlard, 'The Walking Dead' follows a group of human survivors as they try to stay alive in a zombie-filled world. 这部《行尸走肉》改编自RobertKirkman、TonyMoore和CharlieAdlard的系列漫画作品,《行尸走肉》说的是一群幸存者在满是丧尸的世界努力活命的故事。
This dissertation investigates two kinds of combinatorial designs, Kirkman packing designs and large sets of group-divisible designs. 本文讨论构造门限方案的两类组合设计,即可分解的填充设计和可分组设计大集。
In Chapter 2. we show how to form ( 2. iu)-threshold schemes by using Kirkman packing designs KPD ( { w. s}, v) s. 在第二章中,我们建立了可分解的填充设计KPD({w,s~},u)和(2,w)-门限方案的联系。