Her horse was a show jumper whom the family rescued from the knacker's yard. 她的马擅长跨越障碍,是家人从废马屠宰场挽救回来的。
Then he came to a ditch where a knacker was skinning a horse. 他又来到了一条水沟边。
The occupation of sewermen was formerly almost as perilous, and almost as repugnant to the people, as the occupation of knacker, which was so long held in horror and handed over to the executioner. 过去,修建阴沟的职业几乎和剥马皮卖肉的职业同样危险和使人厌恶,认为它很可怕,因此长期以来就推给刽子手去做。
When it was discovered that the knacker and tanner would give only a very few shillings for Prince's carcase because of his decrepitude, Durbeyfield rose to the occasion. 德北菲尔德发现,由于王子衰老枯瘦,屠户和皮匠只愿出几个先令买下它的尸体,他就站起来处理这件事。
It would be turned over to cash-starved states, the fiscal equivalent of being sent to the knacker for execution. 它将被交到资金紧张的各州手中,这在财政上等于被判了死刑。
You, Boxer, the very day that those great muscles of yours lose their power, Jones will sell you to the knacker, who will cut your throat and boil you down for the foxhounds. 还有你,拳击手,当你健硕的肌肉不再强壮时,琼斯将把你卖给屠夫,他将隔开你的喉咙,把你煮烂了喂猎狗。