ADJ 未经思考作出的;依靠本能作出的 If you call someone's response to a question or situation a knee-jerk reaction, you mean that they react in a very predictable way, without thinking.
The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals. 对此类状况的第一反应会是要求所有医院都采取适当的安全措施。
The knee-jerk reaction to this is to call for proper security in all hospitals. 对此类状况的第一反应会是要求所有医院都采取适当的安全措施。
The trick is to manage your knee-jerk reactions when you receive unflattering reviews. 其中的诀窍在于听到不顺耳的评论时要能控制住自己的本能反应。
And I admit that some of it was simply a knee-jerk reaction that parents too often have: It's easier to say no than yes. 我也承认,我的这种反应几乎是下意识的,很多父母经常这么做,因为拒绝往往比同意更简单。
Such "requirements" are just bad knee-jerk design. 这种“需求”只是错误的下意识设计。
Although the knee-jerk reaction to a demand for better quality is to expand the testing team, that is probably not the best approach. 尽管要求更好质量的下意识反应就是扩大测试团队,但是这可能不是最好的方法。
So many big companies have sourcing infrastructures whose knee-jerk reaction is to head to China, he said. 很多大公司的外包系统有一个下意识反应,就是去中国,他说。
The knee-jerk response is to blame the politicians. 人们下意识的反应是责怪政客。
The net result will probably be less volatility after an initial knee-jerk reaction and some relief in markets that China has actually gone ahead with the move after so much speculation, he wrote in a report. 他在报告中写道:在最初的浮躁反应之后,最后结果可能是相对较低的波动性。在超多投机行为后,已在事实上接受了该举措的中国市场会有所缓和。
Amnesty called it a a knee-jerk reaction which does not get at the heart of the problem. 国际特赦说,这种本能反应,并未触及问题的实质。
My mother's knee-jerk reaction, Shouldn't I be over this by now? 我母亲的自然反应我不是应该看开了吗?
Is it a knee-jerk reaction? 开出这种条件是一种下意识反应吗?
We don't want to make knee-jerk changes, we want to be thoughtful about it, he says. 我们不想进行条件反射式的改动,在这个问题上,我们希望做到深思熟虑,他表示。
You will have to overcome many unhealthy cravings and knee-jerk reactions. 你必须克服许多不健康的渴望和莽撞的态度。
It was a knee-jerk reaction on her part. 这是她未加思索作出的反应。
Is Mr monks merely offering a wholly predictable, knee-jerk, lefty rant? I do not think so. 蒙克斯仅是作了一次完全可预知的、机械的、左翼分子的激昂演说吗?我并不这么认为。
Large-cap stocks led the rally Wednesday as a knee-jerk reaction to the rise of their H-share counterparts. 周三,作为对于H股同类股票上升的正常反应,大盘股主导了这次止跌。
In some cases this knee-jerk nastiness will help drive companies to bankruptcy, destroy jobs and damage the economy and society-while the banks will not even get much of their money back. 在某些情况下,这种动辄翻脸不认人的表现会推动公司破产、员工失业、损害经济和社会而银行也收不回很多资金。
This, however, would be a knee-jerk reaction to a subtle argument. 不过,这可能是对一个敏感话题的下意识的反应。
We need to build opportunities for mutual understanding and co-operation and avoid simplistic and knee-jerk reactions. “我们必须为相互理解,共同合作和避免过分单一的条件反射而创造时机”。
Putative Chinese investments abroad sometimes face a reaction of knee-jerk nationalism. 中国在海外的投资计划,有时会面对一种下意识的民族主义反应。
"The knee-jerk reaction is to think that all stress is bad, but this may not be so in pregnancy," she says. 她表示,直觉反应认为所有压力都是不好的,但是在怀孕时可能并非如此;
But, leaving knee-jerk reactions aside, perhaps we give markets too little credit. 不过,撇开那些条件反射式的反应不谈,或许我们低估了市场的估价能力。
4: In the past, my friends called me a knee-jerk liberal. 这人说:过去,我的朋友们叫我盲目的自由派。
To add to the sense of comfort, Mr Obama's response to the financial crisis reassured business people because it suggested that an Obama administration would prize stability above knee-jerk reactions. 让人安心的是,奥巴马对金融危机的反应恢复了商人们的信心,因为这意味着奥巴马政府会把稳定摆在下意识反应之上。
Their remarks could trigger knee-jerk declines in the euro and the yen. 他们的评论将会引发欧元和日元的膝跳反应。
Yes, there is an economic downturn but we can't afford to take a knee-jerk reaction and stop recruiting, John Harrison, KPMG China chairman, told the Financial Times. 毕马威中国主席夏理逊(JohnHarrison)向英国《金融时报》表示:是,目前经济不景气,但我们不能做出条件反射式的反应,停止招聘。
Irrational fear is the source of prejudices, phobias and knee-jerk reactions. 非理性的恐惧是偏见和恐惧症的根源,膝跳反射也是因此而发生。下面这些都是非理性的恐惧。
The micro-expression only tells you their knee-jerk emotional state. 微观表现只告诉你他们下意识的情绪状态。
Above all, Baru believes India must jettison the knee-jerk defensiveness that characterises its relations with trading partners and foreign investors, a manifestation of what he calls its East India Company syndrome. 首先,巴鲁相信,印度必须抛弃与贸易伙伴和外国投资者关系中特有的下意识防御心态。巴鲁将这种表现称为东印度公司综合症。