The action of firming and lifting your quadriceps ( front thigh) muscles should also raise your kneecaps. 加强和提升股四头肌(大腿前侧)的动作也应该提起膝盖。
You'd break my kneecaps. 你便打断我的腿。
But force repayment, and you feel like a hit man whacking kneecaps for a measly two bucks. 但如果强行要回钱,又会感到自己在为区区两、三块钱下狠手,简直像个职业杀手。
You may find that you have to keep "recharging" this action, pulling up your kneecaps each time they fall. 你可能发现你不得不保持“充电”动作,每次它们往下掉时候就要再上提膝盖。
In any pose where your legs are kept straight, you should lift your kneecaps. 在任何你的腿要保持伸展的体式里,你都应该上提膝盖。
Babies are born without kneecaps. 婴生下来时是没有膝盖骨的。
I still got the kneecaps from the last one who tried. 最近一次想这么做的人,他的膝盖骨还在我这里呢。
In addition to lifting your kneecaps, draw them into your knees strongly. 此外,上提你的膝盖,强烈地拉它们进入膝关节。
Tighten the skin and muscles ( quadriceps) of both your thighs to lift your kneecaps toward your groins. 收紧两大腿的皮肤和肌肉(四头肌),上提膝盖向腹股沟的方向。
Weak quads or a tight IT band can pull the kneecaps out of alignment and exacerbate the wear and tear. 股四头肌虚弱和髂胫束太紧可以导致膝盖骨位置不正,加剧磨损和拉伤。
We all start life with quiet, smooth cartilage between our kneecaps and thigh bones, but over time, it becomes gray and old and doesn't regenerate; 在生命的初期,我们的膝盖骨和大腿骨之间的软骨,光滑,无任何声响,但是,随着年龄的增长,它开始老化,最终失去再生能力;
Contract your front thigh muscles to lift your kneecaps. 收紧大腿前侧肌肉,锁住双膝。
I'm aiming for the kneecaps! 我正在瞄准他们的膝盖骨!
Lift your kneecaps strongly upward and also feel as though you are drawing the tops them into your knees somewhat. 强有力地向上提起膝盖并感觉它的上端稍微提进你的膝盖里。