NINIB, Knower of the Secrets of All Things, Remember! 尼尼伯,知晓万物之秘者,记住!
And what about the person? What comes first, the person or the knower. 那个人又如何?谁先出现,个人还是知者?
Is this always good advice for a knower? 这是一个好的建议么?
That knower, that particular watcher-the witness is your true self. 这个被认知的对象,细致地观察着&这个目击者正是你真正的自己。
Analyses on the epistemic paradoxes ( paradox of knowledge or Knower paradox) are of great philosophical and logical significance. 认知悖论的研究具有重要的哲学和逻辑意义。
He's a knower, he's a figure of wisdom who's come from the Father who's come from above, and he comes to give his disciples true knowledge. 他是个知者,他是个智者,他从父来,从上面来,他为他的门徒带来真知。
It is not by repetition of the Bible or Vedas that you will become a knower, no. 它不是通过重复的圣经或吠陀经使你成为一个知者,不是。
In his original spiritual nature he is a knower, a doer, and an enjoyer. 在其原始自然本性之中,他是认知者,行为者和享受者。
Because you have to be a knower in order to have knowledge. 因为你要获得知识必须要有认识能力。
Knowledge is there, but the knower is not. 知识还在,但知者却不在了。
Knowledge was always thought as a mutual process between the knower and others in Chinese traditional philosophy. 中国传统哲学中一直把知识理解为知者与他者之间的交互作用。
Body as the Knower and the Known: Schopenhauer's Strategy for Seeking the Will in Itself 身体作为同一的认识者和被认识者&论叔本华对自在意志的探询
He insists that our experience is immediate and flux, he also inquiry so-called pure experience, and points out that all these, such as matter and consciousness, cognitive object and knower, are belong to pure experience. 他强调经验的变动性和直接性,并着重探讨了纯粹经验,指出物质和意识、认识对象和认识者、客观和主观都属于纯粹经验。