Police tracked him down and Koch was charged with criminal attempted robbery and possessing instruments of a crime. 警察很快就跟踪到了Koch,然后Koch被以企图抢劫未遂和持有犯罪武器罪起诉。
Koch failed to notice the opening hours though. 但是Koch却没有注意到银行的营业时间只到中午。
Mr. Koch denies any wrongdoing and is appealing the initial decision. 科克否认他存在任何过失行为,并正在对最初的裁决提起上诉。
He has received some funding from the libertarian-leaning Institute for Humane Studies ( IHS), backed by the arch-conservative Charles Koch. 他从有自由倾向的人文研究所获得了一些经费,该研究所是由主要保守派的CharlesKoch支持的。
But Turner got some help from former New York City mayor Ed Koch. 纽约市前市长考奇也特别出来给特纳助选。
Now, people can use the Koch Method, not because they have to pass a test, but because they want to increase their amateur-radio pleasure. 现在,人们可以使用科克方法,并不是因为他们要通过考试,而是因为他们想提高自己的业余无线电乐趣。
I became very curious about why Koch's method had worked for me when all else had failed. 我变得很好奇,为什么科克的方法已经为我工作时,一切都失败了。
Fortunately, I stumbled on information about Koch's method, and found that it was the only thing that would work for me. 幸运的是,我偶然在对科克的方法的信息,发现这是唯一会为我工作。
It ranks ahead of food giant Archer Daniels Midland, pharmaceutical behemoth Bristol Myers Squibb and just behind in ranking of Wal-mart, General Motors and oil magnate, Koch Industries. 排在食品巨人阿彻丹尼尔斯米德兰和药业巨兽百时美施贵宝的之前,并紧随在沃尔玛、通用汽车和石油巨头科氏工业集团的后面。
I manage to ask Koch whether you really can transfer macro-economic theories to a real-life company. 我问科克,是否真的可以将宏观经济学理论引入一个真实的企业。
Its pathogen has been isolated, proved by the rule of Koch and identified as Corynespora viticis Guo f. 病原菌经分离和柯赫氏法则验证,为一种棒孢属真菌。
H.yedoensis had long been regarded as a synonym of H.axyridis, including recently by Koch ( 2003). 长期以来,隐斑瓢虫被认为是异色瓢虫的一个异名。
For about a century after 1882, the year that Robert Koch identified the bacterium ( pictured above) which causes TB, infection rates dropped as drugs were developed and vaccination programmes rolled out. 自从1882年罗伯特科赫发现了结核细菌(如上图所示)之后的整整一个世纪里,药物研发和疫苗推广降低了结核病感染率。
Finally, as I was using the Koch method and building my code skills, I intended to forget the code as soon as I passed the test. 最后,正如我所用的是科克方法和建立我的代码技巧,我打算忘记了密码,当我通过了测试。
Ed Koch was for many years the mayor of new york. 埃德科赫做了好几年纽约市长。
Last year was a strong year for both the company's business and organizational development, said Brice Koch, who took over as chairman and president of ABB China this January. 今年一月接任ABB主席和中国区域总负责人的布赖斯·科赫说,去年对公司的业务和组织发展来说是个很强劲的一年。
Many readers of Morse Code: Breaking the Barrier wrote to tell me how the Koch Method had helped them overcome many years of frustration and upgrade their licenses. 许多读者的莫尔斯电码:打破壁垒写信告诉我如何科克方法有助于他们克服多年的挫折和提升其许可证。
Barbara ( Hostess): I had a chance to meet Mayor, or ex-mayor, Ed Koch. 芭芭拉(女主持):我有幸见到(纽约)市长,前市长埃德·科赫。
Many said that the Koch method sounded similar to the intense code training they had received in military schools. 许多人说,科克方法类似响起激烈的代码的训练,他们在军事学校欢迎。
It was not, for example, until Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch proved the connection between germs and infection that doctors realised that to cure such diseases you had to kill the germs. 举例来说,在路易斯巴斯德和罗伯特•考科证明了细菌与感染之间的必然联系以前,医生们都没有意识到只有杀死病毒才能治愈疾病。
Koch Industries '$ 13.2bn acquisition of Georgia-Pacific this week is the latest public-to-private deal. 本周,科氏工业(KochIndustries)以132亿美元收购佐治亚-太平洋(Georgia-Pacific),这是最近一起“公转私”交易。
Robert Koch, a German physician, and Louis Pasteur, a French chemist, both experimented with anthrax, an infectious disease of man and animals. 罗伯特·考科,一位德国医生,和路易·巴士德,一位法国化学家,两人都用炭疽病(一种人和动物传染病)做实验。
Feinstein was asked how he as a Jew could square his endorsement of Jackson with Koch's admonition. 有人问范思坦,他以一个犹太人不顾葛德华的劝阻来支持杰克逊,怎么说得过去呢?
Charles Koch does not need to look at the menu before lunching with the FT. The billionaire has chosen a restaurant he knows well: the in-house canteen at his company headquarters in Wichita, Kansas. 与FT共进午餐之前,查尔斯•科克(CharlesKoch)并不需要看菜单。这位亿万富豪选择了一家他特别熟悉的餐厅:位于堪萨斯州威奇托市,他公司总部内的自助食堂。
Data for the map were obtained from Federal Statistical Office of Germany, World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe and Robert Koch Institute. 地图资料源自德国联邦统计局、世界卫生组织欧洲区域办事处及罗伯特‧科赫研究所。
While the Koch method is the fastest method of Morse training, speed alone is not its principal advantage. 虽然科克的方法是莫尔斯培训最快的方法,速度是不其主要优势。
Design of tag antenna based on Koch and Hilbert curve 一种基于Koch和Hilbert分形加载的电子标签天线设计
The spitting habit became the target of public health authorities after the discovery of the tuberculosis bacillus in1882 by the German biologist Robert Koch. 随地吐痰的习惯成为公共卫生机构的根除目标,是在1882年德国生物学家科赫发现了肺结核杆菌之后。
This line of reasoning led Koch to adopt meat infusions and meat extracts as the basic ingredients in his culture media. 这种想法引导Koch采用了肉汤和肉膏作为他的培养基的基本成分。
I hope that the speed and positive-reinforcement aspects of the Koch method can cut down the code barrier to a much less formidable size. 我希望我们的速度和积极的加固方法的科克方面能够削减代码障碍少得多可怕的大小。