Colonel Korn acted decisively to arrest what seemed to him to be the beginning of an unwholesome trend in major tom's squadron. 科恩中校认为这是梅杰少校的中队里开始出现的一种不健康的倾向。为了防微杜渐,他果断地采取了行动。
Instead of repeatedly typing these commands, you can put them in a Korn shell script. 您可以将这些命令放到一个KornShell脚本中,而无需反复地键入这些命令。
This is typically in the form of the Bash shell, or sometimes the C shell, or Tcsh, or the Korn shell ( the default on IBM's AIX operating system). 其中比较典型的是Bashshell,有时也会是Cshell,或Tcsh,Kornshell(IBMAIX操作系统的缺省shell)。
Recommendations when porting scripts from Korn to Bash 将脚本从Korn移植到Bash时的建议
New features of the Korn Shell provide auditing capabilities that can help to fulfill these needs and requirements. Kornshell的新特性提供的审计功能可以帮助满足这些需求。
Bash provides a number of significant improvements over the traditional Bourne, Korn, and C shells. 相对于传统的Bourne、Korn和CShell,Bash提供了许多重要改进。
Using the Korn shell vi inline editor 使用Kornshellvi行内编辑器
We shall SSH into the machine using other user than root whose default shell is set to be ksh ( Korn shell). 我们应该使用根用户之外的其他用户,SSH到机器中(根用户的默认shell被设置为ksh(Kornshell)。
For Korn shell users, file name completion depends on the value of the EDITOR variable. 对于Kornshell用户,文件名完成取决于EDITOR变量的值。
Normally this is limited to being able to set a static string or, in case of the Korn shell, you can normally set a dynamic value, such as the current directory. 这通常仅限于能够设置某个静态字符串,或者对于KornShell,您通常可以设置某个动态值,例如当前目录。
IBM uses the Korn shell as its default shell in AIX. IBM在AIX中使用Kornshell作为其缺省shell。
Korn shell scripting can save you a lot of time and make your job so much easier. KornShell脚本可以为您节约大量的时间,并使您的工作更加轻松。
The Z shell is an enhanced version of the Korn shell with many features found in the bash shell. Zshell是Kornshell的一个增强版本,具备bashshell的许多特色。
If you already know how to develop Bourne or Korn shell scripts, then you already know enough to start working with Bash shell scripts. 如果已经知道了如何开发Bourne或Kornshell脚本,那对于如何运用Bashshell脚本已经足够了。
To write Korn shell scripts on AIX, you need to use a text editor. 要在AIX中编写KornShell脚本,您需要使用一种文本编辑器。
The file is written in Korn shell syntax, so it can be executed 该文件以Kornshell语法书写,所以它可以作为
In Korn shell scripting, the word function is a reserved word. 在KornShell脚本中,单词function是一个保留字。
Bash command syntax and keywords have taken and improved upon the architecture and technical details of the Korn shell ( ksh) and the C shell ( csh). bash的命令语法和关键词源于Kornshell(ksh)和Cshell(csh)的架构和技术细节并做了改进。
To begin writing your first Korn shell script, you need to open the vi editor and add the shell name as the first line. 要开始编写您的第一个KornShell脚本,首先需要打开vi编辑器,并添加Shell名称作为第一行。
All commands shown in this series of articles are expressed in Korn shell syntax. 本系列文章中所有的命令都采用了Kornshell语法。
This option enables keyboard logging of any user and can be configured to store the audit information locally or remotely using Korn Shell networking. 这个选项可以对任何用户的键盘操作进行日志记录,它可以配置为在本地存储审计信息,也可以使用KornShell连网功能执行远程存储。
Two versions of Korn shell are available, and AIX contains both. Kornshell共有两个版本,它们均包含在AIX中。
Using the Korn Shell 93 networking capabilities, audit information can be stored at any remote location. 通过使用Kornshell93连网功能,可以把审计信息存储到任何远程位置。
The Korn shell accommodates all three. Kornshell包含所有这三种编辑器。
New features of the Korn Shell provide system administrators and management with the ability to monitor, track, record, and audit every command executed by any user of a system. Kornshell的新特性为系统管理员和管理层提供了对任何系统用户执行的每个命令进行监视、跟踪、记录和审计的功能。
The Korn "print" command is not available in Bash; use the "echo" command instead. Korn的“print”命令在Bash中不能使用;而是改为使用“echo”命令。
Create two simple Korn shell scripts& one that starts an application and one that stops an application. 创建两个简单的Kornshell脚本&一个用于启动应用程序,一个用于停止应用程序。
Another useful operation of the vi inline editor in the Korn shell is file name completion. Kornshell中vi行内编辑器的另一个十分有用的操作是文件名完成。
Korn/ Ferry's Mr. Damon recommends moving quickly after realizing a new job is a mistake. 光辉国际的戴蒙建议,在意识到新工作是一个错误之后要赶紧行动。
A few years ago, I spent a day at Korn Ferry pretending to be a headhunter. 几年前,我曾在光辉国际(KornFerry)呆过一天,自称是个猎头。