Doc says the Admin Office Is through the Krauts 'mess hall*? 博士说要去管理者办公室要经过德国人的餐厅大厅?
The Krauts thought we were the dogs of hell. 德国人以为我们是地狱之狗。
You ready to get the Krauts off of my back? 你准备把我背后的德国佬给引开了吗?
So in various wars Germans have been called "Krauts" a reference to weird and smelly food. 因此在各种各样的战争中,德国人被称作“泡菜”&一种味道奇特而难闻的食品;
Those poles you ran into are krauts, come to kill churchill. 你遇上的其实是来暗杀邱吉尔的德国人。
Any idea where the Krauts keep their radio? 知道德国佬把他们的无线电藏在哪里吗?
The Krauts built their rocket site right in the middle of a POW camp so our guys wouldn't go dropping explosives on it, right? 德国佬把他们的火箭基地设在集中营的正中央,所以我们的人不能投下炸弹,对吧?
I'm Johnson, Captain. I'm guessing that when they brought you In here the Krauts didn't leave you with much more than your jacket and your smile. 我猜当那些德国佬把你送到这边来的时候,除了你的外套以及你的微笑之外,其他什么都没留给你。
How come the Krauts have everyone split into two barracks? 为什么德国佬要把全部的人分到两个营区里面?
How many Krauts they think we're facing? 他们认为我们面对多少德军?
Look, Field Mouse. The Krauts are about to launch a rocket the size of Virginia right Into your back yard. 听好,地鼠。德国佬准备发射大火箭到你家后院了。
"Prentice rangers use merchant arrows, expert rangers use custom ones, master rangers use homemade ones." Look, Field Mouse. The Krauts are about to launch a rocket the size of Virginia right Into your back yard. 「学徒游侠用现成箭,专家游侠用订制箭,宗师游侠用自制箭。」听好,地鼠。德国佬准备发射大火箭到你家后院了。
Any advice on slipping big pieces of equipment past the Krauts? 要从德国佬面前溜过还要带著个大工具的话,有没有什么建议?
Let the Krauts cook their own goddamn food. 让德国人自己去烤食物。
Even the Krauts have got to eat, I guess. they've got their own mess hall in that compound, but don't ask me what time their meals are served. 我猜即使是德国佬也得吃饭。他们在他们的区域有餐厅大厅,不过别问我他们什么时候吃饭。