It was founded in 2009 by two successful entrepreneurs, Peter Diamandis and ray Kurzweil, with the vision of using disruptive technologies to positively impact a billion people within a decade. 它成立于2009年,创始人是两位成功的企业家&彼得•迪亚芒蒂思和雷•库兹韦尔,他们成立这个机构的目的在于,利用破坏性技术在十年内对十亿人产生积极影响。
Kurzweil popularized the idea of the Singularity& the point in the future when humans merge with machines. 库兹韦尔普及了奇点的理念&未来人类将进入技术奇点,届时人类将与机器合二为一。
In a post on his website, Kurzweil discussed the technological implications of Her. 库兹韦尔在个人网站上探讨了电影《她》所蕴含的科技元素。
And then what we see in the singularity, that prophesized by Kurzweil and others& his idea that technology is accelerating evolution. 而我们在这独特性中看到的由库茨魏尔和其他人所预言的-他认为的科技正在加速演化。
Mr Kurzweil argues that human thought is based on recognition of a finite number of patterns. 库日韦尔认为,人类思维的基础是对有限数量模式的识别。
Like Moses, Mr Kurzweil has some insight into human thinking and the requirements of modern life, but not enough. 与摩西类似,库日韦尔确实发现了人类思想和现代生活需求的部分本质,但是他的认识远远不够。
Google's director of engineering, and colleague of Mr Maris, Ray Kurzweil has previously said that in just over 30 years humans will be able to upload their entire minds to computers and become digitally immortal-an event called singularity. 谷歌技术总监雷·库兹韦尔曾预言,在未来30年,人类能够把他们的大脑上传至电脑从而实现永生,这个过程称为奇点。
As it turned out, Kurzweil's numbers looked a lot like Moore 's.They doubled every couple of years. 结果证明,库兹韦尔的结论与摩尔定律极为相似,二者都是每两年翻一番。
The AI systems in commercial use today are what futurist Ray Kurzweil calls "narrow AI" systems, which are intelligent in particular domains but lack human-level breadth of intelligence. 如今,在商业用途的人工智能系统是未来学家RayKurzweil称之为的:“狭义人工智能”系统,它们在特殊的领域内很聪明,但是缺乏有人类程度的智能广度。
Readers can judge for themselves, as both Kurzweil and Grossman reveal the personal histories that led them to develop this plan. 读者可以自行判断,既是库兹威尔和格罗斯曼透露,导致他们发展这项计划的个人历史。
Ray Kurzweil on how technology will 待译库兹威尔技术将如何
I also started Kurzweil Applied Intelligence in1982 with the goal of creating a voice-activated word processor. 1982年,我还创办了库兹威尔应用智能公司,目的是开发利用声音激活程序的文字处理软件。
I founded Kurzweil Compute Products that year to develop the first OCR program that could recognize any style of print, which we succeeded in doing later that year. 那一年,我成立了库兹威尔计算机产品公司,来开发能识别所有印刷字体的第一代OCR程序。当年的晚些时候,我们成功了。
This result is an essential generalization of the existence theorem of the bounded variation solution to Kurzweil equations in [ 6]. 这些结果是对文[6]中Kurzweil方程的有界变差解解的存在性定理的本质的推广。
Carath é odory systems are changed into Kurzweil generalized ordinary differential equations. The existence of solutions for Carath é odory systems is discussed by using the existence theory of solution of Kurzweil generalized ordinary differential equation. 将Carathéodory系统转化为Kurzweil广义常微分方程,利用已知的Kurzweil广义常微分方程解的存在性理论讨论了Carathéodory系统解的存在性。