We grew quiet, both, I think, weary from the labored exchange. 然后我们都安静了下来,我想大概是因为大家都吃不消这样费力的交流方式吧!
It has labored through two decades of economic malaise, and is saddled with a shrinking, aging population. 日本已经经历了长达二十年的经济不景气时期,并且面临人口萎缩和老龄化问题。
Make a strenuous or labored effort. Your diligence will absolutely lead you to great success. 作出艰巨、谨慎的努力。你的辛勤努力必定会使你获得巨大的成功。
I took any opportunity I could to visit him, even as his speech and breathing became labored. 我找到一切可能的机会去看他,甚至在他说话和呼吸都很费力的时候。
As Henrietta held the phone, I could hear her labored breathing. 当亨利埃塔接过电话,我听到她那吃力的呼吸声。
Tellus was an honest man who labored hard for many years to bring up his children. 特勒斯是个老实人,他多年辛勤劳动,抚育他的孩子。
And I hated all my labor for which I had labored under the sun, because I will leave it to the man who comes after me. 18我恨恶一切的劳碌,就是我在日光之下的劳碌,因为我所得的都必留给我以后的人。
For several years, Beijing's leaders and diplomats have labored hard to portray their homeland as benign, well mannered and neighborly. 几年来,北京的领导和外交官努力把他们的祖国描绘成一个和蔼的、有礼的、友好的国家。
David, on the other hand, had labored to fabricate a curious patent leather trouser suit. 另一方面,大卫努力制作了一套奇特的、别出心裁的皮革裤套装。
He labored the point so that the audience lost interest. 他过分详细地解释论点使听众失去兴趣。
Dyspnea is the perception of uncomfortable, distressful, or labored breathing. 呼吸困难是病人对呼吸不适、呼吸困苦或费力的自我感觉。
The car labored up the steep hill. 车子吃力地向陡峭的山上开去。
He labored in the mines for 30 years. 他在矿场里辛勤工作了三十年。
Marginal terrain They labored on towards safety. 仅及安全的地带;不易发展的地带;仅及安全的地势;不易发展的地势他们费力地走向安全地带。
Since ancient times, our ancestors lived and labored on this land. 自古以来,我们的祖先在这块土地上劳动、生活。
An old woman labored up. 老妇人吃力地爬上。
His breathing was slow and labored. 他的呼吸缓慢而艰难。
For many corporations, borrowing short-term money from banks is often a labored and annoying task. 对大多数公司来说,向银行短期借款常常被称为费力和烦恼的任务。
The labored breathing of a very ill person. 一个病入膏肓的人的费力呼吸。
He labored under the delusion that he could never make a mistake. 他受害于他从来不会出错的幻想。
Often times in running our breathing becomes labored and stressed and this can bring on cramps, poor performance and premature fatigue. 在跑步时,我们的呼吸经常会急促和紧张,中可以导致抽筋,成绩下降和疲劳提前。
You can hear his labored breathing. 你能听到他费力的呼吸声。
The new government removed the injustice under which the population had labored. 新政府洗雪了人民过去所蒙受的冤屈。
We laBored along the muddy road. 我们在泥泞的道路上吃力地走着。
She labored ten years on that book. 那本书她足足写了十年。
I am afraid on your account that perhaps I have labored for you in vain. 我真为你们担心,怕我白白地为你们辛苦了。
Francesca had labored to explain Yeats to the Winterset students but never got through to most of them. 弗朗西丝卡曾想方设法向温特塞特的学生解释叶芝,但是没能让大多数人理解。
It was hard work digging down, and they both labored in a tense and strained silence. 接下来的挖掘更加困难,他们都被一种紧张情绪牵系着,默不作声地工作着。
All day long I labored alone in the front room. 我整天独自一人在前屋里劳作。
The old man labored up the hillside. 那位老人缓慢吃力地走上山坡。